
Caroline Roussel appointed as Vice Dean of IÉSEG


Caroline Roussel

Caroline Roussel, Professor and Academic Dean, has been appointed Vice Dean of IÉSEG School of Management, as of January 1 2020.

This newly created position, in the framework of an evolution in internal governance, will be an added advantage for the realization of the School’s 2025 Vision: “In 2025, IÉSEG will be a unique international hub empowering changemakers for a better society.

Jean-Philippe Ammeux, Dean of IÉSEG, explains: “The School’s important development is based on a quality-based strategy with a particular focus on the student experience and research. This strategy has resulted in the School’s obtaining three main international accreditations each for the maximum length. The appointment of Caroline Roussel will notably provide us with the means of continuing to reinforce these two key aspects of our mission: pedagogical excellence and excellence in research, all the while responding to the challenges of our fast-changing environment.”

“Caroline has already made a significant contribution as Academic Dean to the qualitative evolution of these two dimensions for a number of years. Together, with the IÉSEG community, we will continue to nurture our school by being loyal to the values of engagement and responsibility to which we are committed.”

Caroline Roussel adds: “IÉSEG has strong academic foundations that have been built over time. The quality of its education, the quality of its research, the successful internationalization of its programs, and a top-tier international academic faculty, all of which make us confident in the future of our School and in our ambition to play an important role in higher education in France and internationally. With all of IÉSEG’s teams, we will continue to pursue our strategic plan and our vision for 2025 to develop this unique intercultural hub that is IÉSEG, with the collective aspiration to have a positive impact on society.”

Her academic background

Caroline Roussel has a PhD in management sciences and a DESCF higher degree in accountancy, and is also accredited to supervise research, (une Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches). She has been a professor at IÉSEG since 2002 and Academic Dean since 2016. She was previously Head of Department and Director of Academic Development at the School. In charge of academic affairs, she currently pilots research and programs, as well as accreditations, and is Dean of the academic faculty. The themes of her current research include open strategy practices, as well as management and performance tools. She has published in internationally recognized reviews, such as European Management Review, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, and British Journal of Management.