
Climate change & environmental action: What are the views and expectations of young people?

Two companies, Veolia (environmental services) and Elabe (research & consultancy,) have just published their first global opinion survey on the topic of ‘ecological transformation’. The aim of this survey is to assess the level of acceptability of ecological & environmental solutions and to analyse the obstacles and levers for action to accelerate this transformation across 5 continents.

As part of this survey*, Veolia invited Professor Elodie Gentina of IÉSEG, an expert on the Generation Z, to analyze the responses and expectations of 18–24-year-olds. Veolia notes that understanding the way this age-group relates to climate and ecological action is crucial since they will be the ‘citizens and consumers of tomorrow’.

Published at the beginning of November, the results show that 69% of 18–24-year-olds are convinced that climate change is underway and that human activity is the main cause (compared to more than 70% of the total population surveyed).  Although they are slightly more inclined to doubt or deny climate change, this age group also feels less exposed to risks than their elders: 61% express a feeling of ecological and climate vulnerability (health, living conditions, habitat, ecosystem, biodiversity, etc.), which is 10% less than the average of the total survey population.

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