
IÉSEG appoints Coline BRIQUET as Head of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Creating a diverse and inclusive environment that promotes the well-being of all is one of the 4 piliars of the School’s CSR strategy, and one of the major orientations of the 2022-2027 strategic plan. In order to actively support the diverse IÉSEG community and create an environment where everyone feels included and valued, IÉSEG decide to create the position of “Head of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion”, which was proposed to Coline BRIQUET.

Under the responsibility of Maria CASTILLO, Social and Environmental Impact Director at IÉSEG, Coline will be in charge to coordinate and contribute to the implementation of the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) policy of the School.

The key-objectives of IÉSEG’s DEI policy are to:
Promote social, cultural and gender diversity and ensuring access to the same rights and opportunities. This means, for example, making studies at IÉSEG more accessible to all brilliant and motivated candidates, whatever their background or personal situation, according to the principle of equal opportunities. This also involves developing a culture and practices that reinforce professional equality between women and men, both for our staff and our future graduates.
Fight against all forms of violence, harassment and discrimination. This includes in particular the fight against sexist and sexual violence, LGBTphobia (i.e. based on sexual orientation or gender identity) or racist comments and behaviors (discrimination based on actual or assumed affiliation with a specific ethnic group, nation or religion, or based on skin color or spoken language).
Create working and learning conditions that contribute to the well-being and sense of belonging of each person to the IÉSEG community. This entails, in particular, strengthening dialogue, mutual care and respect for our differences. This involves, for example, strengthening the integration of our international students and colleagues, or taking into account situations of disability, neurodiversity, and health (physical and mental) to promote the inclusion of all IÉSEG members.

Over the last few years, many innovative actions in terms of diversity, equality and inclusion have already been implemented by IÉSEG’s students and staff members. It is therefore on solid foundations that Coline BRIQUET will coordinate these actions and imagine, with the various administrative services and teaching and research departments, how to strengthen IÉSEG’s Diversity, Equality and Inclusion policy.

Coline BRIQUET previously managed, during 6 years, the Faculty Affairs Office. She was also appointed in 2020 Coordinator of the IÉSEG’s harassment, violence and discrimination support unit and awareness-raising actions. In parallel with her missions, Coline BRIQUET has been carrying out, for 2 years, a doctoral research mission within the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Transformation of Educational and Social Practices* at ‘Université de Paris-Est Créteil’. Her thesis focuses on the integration of sex and gender equality into the curricula of French business schools.

* Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de recherche sur les transformations des pratiques éducatives et des pratiques sociales

* Copyright / Jérémy Barande