
Discover the IÉSEG Incubator’s programs

incubateur-photo2Are you a project leader or an entrepreneur? Do you want to be supported in the creation, development, or growth of your company?

The School’s Incubator recently launched several new programs to support those who have an idea in mind, a concept they want to test, or a business or start-up that they want to create.

Three programs dedicated to each step of an entrepreneurial project:

SPARK: workshops that test the validity of your project, with rigor and benevolence.

  • For: people wanting to test the validity of their entrepreneurial idea and to structure their vision.
  • Support: participants are put in contact with entrepreneurial experts, and have access to collective workshops on relevant topics.

START: a 12-month program to launch a company, acquire first clients, and develop income.

  • For: entrepreneurs who are members of the IÉSEG ecosystem (at least one person from the founding team), who already have a mature project (upon application/selection).
  • Support: shared offices in Lille/Paris; boot camp; coaching with Incubator mentors twice a month; workshops with experts; networking events, etc.

SCALE: meetings with entrepreneurs and business partners to develop and expand activities.

  • For: those who have had their company for at least 2 years, and who wish to develop its growth.
  • Support: networking events, a vast variety of opportunities via the IÉSEG ecosystem.

“The Incubator is a talent pool of energy, created for and by its members. Being part of it means being part of an exciting, collaborative adventure,” Jacques Angot, Director of the Incubator, explained.

Integration and selection for the Start program:

logo-incubateur-caisse-epargneBefore November 5th, send a motivation letter and a Pitch Deck (20 slides maximum) to:
A jury will select the START members in mid-December.

For more information about the SPARK and SCALE programs, send an email to:

The Incubator Open Days: in Lille on October 18th and in Paris on October 19th
Come meet entrepreneurial partners and IÉSEG entrepreneurs.

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