
Discover IÉSEG’s new range of Executive Education activities

amexeccatIÉSEG’s Executive Education team is delighted to present its new range of activities for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Jean-Philippe Ammeux, Director of IÉSEG explains: “We develop customized programs that are designed to  meet companies’ needs effectively. Our philosophy is to be close to business and to actively contribute to their development by varying the formats and the learning methods.

“The human element and the quest for performance are at the heart of these tailor made programs and our range of degree programs designed for executives. The IÉSEG Executive MBA is therefore focused on positive, sustainable leadership and the new postgraduate program in finance is designed to enhance both financial and managerial expertise.”

Innovative solutions to respond to business challenges

The school has just launched an Executive Postgraduate program in Finance for this academic year and welcomes its Second Executive MBA class to the campus in Paris. Meanwhile, the Executive Education team continues to innovate with its range of customized programs.

For example, courses are designed to meet the changing needs of managers at different points in their career (for example those new to management, or those at a middle or higher level).

IÉSEG also proposes thematic courses (for example for female managers and “Business Developers”) as well as learning trips and company visits. These are designed to provide executives with the opportunity to exchange with their peers, learn from each other practices and come back with a new vision. Each program is co-developed with the business partner (in terms of content, format, length of modules, etc.).

To discover all the Executive Education activities, visit the IÉSEG Executive Education website.

Contact the Executive Education team.