Discover the winners of the 5th edition of the IÉSEG Teaching Awards
In 2019, IÉSEG launched the Teaching Awards to recognize and reward teachers who have contributed significantly to improving the quality of teaching and learning at the School. The Teaching Excellence Awards recognize professors who embody IÉSEG’s ambitious standards of teaching and learning, as well as their day-to-day commitment to students.
For each category (Bachelor, Master, Specialized Master and Executive Education), nominees are selected on the basis of student evaluations. This year, 55 teachers were nominated and 27 completed the application form, explaining their vision of teaching and learning, how they influence, motivate and inspire their students, and how they contribute to the development of programs, resources or new teaching methods. They also detailed their involvement in the development of their own and other professors’ teaching skills.
Finally, 5 professors applied for the “Digital” Pedagogical Excellence Award, launched in 2021 to highlight the use of technology in teaching and learning. In their application, teachers must explain how their course incorporates a creative approach to the use of technology, and show how it benefits teaching and student learning.
The 11-member jury* awarded the Teaching Excellence Awards 2023 to the following professors:
> “Digital” Pedagogical Excellence Award: Salim ROSTAMI and Frank GOETHALS

With a PhD in ‘Business Economics’ from KU Leuven (Belgium), Salim ROSTAMI has been Professor of Operations Management at IÉSEG since 2019. He specializes in sequencing and scheduling, scheduling under uncertainty, project management and combinatorial optimization.

Salim ROSTAMI won this trophy thanks to ‘ProjMgt’, a web application that generates individual random exercises for students, corrects submitted solutions, provides instant grading and offers detailed feedback. The application also uses gamification elements to increase student engagement and motivation.
For his part, Frank GOETHALS has been Professor of Information Systems Management at IÉSEG since 2007, and was Head of the Management Department from 2017 to 2021. He holds a PhD in Applied Economics from KU Leuven (Belgium).
Frank GOETHALS was rewarded for setting up a similar process: as coordinator of Excel training for 1st year students in the Grande École Program, he used the Python programming language to program an engine that generates different Excel tests for each of the 1,200 students in the Bachelor cycle. An engine was also programmed to correct these tests and provide personalized feedback. Students receive their grades and explanations very quickly after taking the test.

> Teaching Excellence Award – Bachelor’s level: Catherine ARCHAMBAULT-JANVIER
Catherine ARCHAMBAULT-JANVIER is Professor of Strategy in the Management and Society Department at IÉSEG. She is coordinator of the “Fundamentals of Strategy”, “Business Model and Innovation” and “Business Exploration” courses within the Bachelor in International Business, in which she has been teaching since 2017.

Previously a post-doctoral researcher at the École after obtaining her doctorate at the University of Lille, she developed her expertise on the subjects of strategic renewal, corporate transformations and new forms of organization, such as freedom-form companies. In 2021, she co-published the book “Transformez votre entreprise en alliant stratégie et humanisme” (Transforming your company by combining strategy and humanism – published by Ellipses).
> Teaching Excellence Award – Master’s level: Goedele KREKELS
With a PhD in Applied Economic Sciences from Ghent University (Belgium), Goedele KREKELS is a professor in the Marketing and Sales department. She teaches the “Data Insights”, “Experimental Design” and “Research and Consulting Tools” courses in the Master’s cycle of the Grande École program.
> Teaching Excellence Award – Specialized Master: Bart CLAUS and Frieder LEMPP

Bart CLAUS holds a Master’s degree in Business Engineering and a PhD in Business Economics from KU Leuven (Belgium), and has been Professor of Marketing at IÉSEG since 2011. He was also academic co-director of the Master in International Business between 2014 and 2017. Bart CLAUS teaches courses on consumer psychology and behavior in initial master’s programs as well as specialized master’s programs, such as Network Economy courses in the Master in International Business. He has published a number of case studies on new business and consumer models in the context of ecological transition.
Frieder LEMPP has been Professor of Negotiation at IÉSEG since 2017, and is currently Head of the “Individuals, Organizations and Negotiation” Department. With a PhD from Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), Frieder mainly teaches the “Negotiation and Conflict Management”, “Negotiation and Company Observation”, “Managing Conflict through Mediation” and “Decision Games and Negotiation” courses within IÉSEG’s Master in International Business Negotiation.

>Teaching Excellence Award – Executive Education: Martin STORME
Martin STORME holds a doctorate and a “Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche (HDR)” (highest degree in French higher education) in psychology from the University of Paris-Descartes V, and has been teaching at IÉSEG since 2018. Specializing in social and personality psychology, he mainly teaches the “Complex Business Negotiation” course to participants in the Executive Program in Sales Management & Business Development, the Negotiation course to participants in the Executive Program in Financial Management and the “Decision-making for managers” course to participants in the Executive MBA program.
* The jury for the 2023 edition of the Pedagogical Excellence Awards is composed of the Director of Pedagogy, the Academic Director of the Grande Ecole Program, the Director of International Programs, the Head of the Pedagogical Certificate and the Head of the Center for Educational and Technological Innovation (CETI), as well as the 7 winners of the 2022 edition.