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Elina created “Urone” to give momentum to entrepreneurs
Elina, a student in the “Digital Marketing & Innovation” master cycle in apprenticeship at IÉSEG, on the Paris-La Défense campus, has developed a genuine passion for supporting entrepreneurs in their development. She was selected by The Break program for women entrepreneurs, funded by the European Union, which gave her the opportunity to spend a month in Madrid to expand her network and knowledge. Let’s learn more about this talented and ambitious young woman and her entrepreneurial project called “Urone.”

How did your entrepreneurial adventure begin?
I went on an exchange in Ecuador for six months in 2019. There, I met engineers who had their own electronic engineering company and always had great ideas for products/services, but they never succeeded when it came to commercializing them. After analyzing the situation, I realized that the main problem was related to marketing and sales techniques that they didn’t master. Considering that I already had three years of studies at IÉSEG, I decided to help them voluntarily to learn how to position themselves better, negotiate, etc. The results quickly showed, and the people were very satisfied with my work. When I returned to France, I decided to continue on this path by assisting friends and gradually expanding my network. As a result, I have helped entrepreneurs with very different profiles: an artist-painter, an engineer, a horse rider launching an equestrian boutique, a musician… The obstacles are often the same, regardless of the activity: how to market yourself effectively? How to design a sound business model for sustainable growth?
I realized that I loved helping entrepreneurs develop and thrive in their ecosystem; that’s what makes sense to me. With the increasing number of requests I received and the positive results I achieved, I realized it was time for me to develop my own business model. That’s how “Urone” came to be.
So, what is your current business model?
As I mentioned, my goal is to help entrepreneurs grow within their ecosystem. I have identified three types of ecosystems. Startups, which I directly assist in business and marketing aspects. “Grandes Écoles” , where I help provide better support to their student entrepreneurs and offer a more tailored experience to students who venture into entrepreneurship during their studies. Finally, established companies, where I focus on intrapreneurship and innovation challenges. Since the beginning of the year, I have already supported around twenty startups, and I recently signed an important project with my beloved School: IÉSEG. This partnership demonstrates the School’s commitment to go further in terms of supporting and promoting student entrepreneurs on both campuses.

Why the name “Urone”?
It is a name derived from the word “neuron” to represent the connection that triggers action. It reflects how I operate and what I bring to my clients and partners.
Did your studies at IÉSEG help you build “Urone”?
The School and my choice of master’s program have had a significant impact on my life and professional future. The magnitude of what it has brought me is quite unbelievable. I believe that what truly shapes a professional career are the people we meet along the way. During my time at IÉSEG, I had the privilege of having brilliant professors who taught me a lot, and that motivated me even more for the future. To be honest, I feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving the School. Meeting these inspiring professors with extraordinary backgrounds opened a world of possibilities to me. The master in apprenticeship program in “Digital Marketing & Innovation” has indeed opened my eyes to everything I can do afterward, the paths I can pursue… Of course, there are courses that I find more interesting than others, but it also helps me clearly identify what I want to do and what I don’t.

You are an IÉSEG ambassador within the Babson Collaborative Student Network (BCSN). Can you tell us more about it?
Indeed, following a request from Tiago RATINHO, professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at IÉSEG, and after a rigorous selection process, I became an IÉSEG ambassador within the Babson Collaborative Student Network. This network is exclusively composed of entrepreneurial students from all over the world. I have met people from Colombia, Chile, Canada, and various Asian countries. It is a real source of inspiration as we get to meet young individuals who are very active at different levels, including government and associations. I am thrilled to be part of this network that allows me to meet true changemakers who work for a better society, doing things for others, just like IÉSEG.
Any advice for someone who wants to start their own venture?
To me, entrepreneurship is primarily about taking action, doing things. You fail when you don’t take any action. You need to test, make mistakes, learn, and find your path. I believe it’s crucial to find what resonates with you and put all your energy into it. Those who stand out are the ones who take action. Unfortunately, in France, we don’t really have a culture of embracing failure. Failure is seen in a negative way, which raises the bar even higher for entrepreneurs as the pressure becomes even greater. On the other hand, I think we have overly venerated the term “entrepreneur,” which often refers to prominent figures like Elon Musk, for example. For me, “entrepreneurship” is first and foremost about identifying a problem and providing a solution. It doesn’t necessarily mean becoming rich and famous. Entrepreneurship is a mindset.