
IÉSEG publishes new version of its experts directory

Faculty ExpertsIÉSEG has a strong international faculty of experts boasting solid research competences in all business /management-related fields. More than 80% of our permanent professors are from outside of France, bringing a wealth of international expertise to both research and teaching at the School.

The School has just published an updated version of its experts directory, which is designed to provide different stakeholders with a ‘snapshot’ of the diverse expertise and research interests of academic staff and to enable them to identify experts/collaborators who are working on a variety of management and business-related issues.

As you will see, the directory has been structured into sections, which highlight the main domains of research expertise at the School: Economics and Quantitative Methods; Finance, Audit and Control; Law; Management (including specialists in HR, innovation, entrepreneurship, strategy, CSR); Marketing, International Negotiation & Intercultural Communication.

A selection of articles published, related to research at the School, can also be found on this section of our website.

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