
“Faculty in the Spotlight” with Olivier Bouclier

With more than 700 professors, including 175 permanent professors-researchers, IÉSEG offers to its students a high-quality learning experience, based on 4 key elements: an active, interdisciplinary learning process, focused on the acquisition of competencies, offered through customized curricula.

Each month, “Faculty in the spotlight” invites you to meet one of the School’s professors who presents their vision of teaching, their methods for transmitting their expertise and passion to students and shares their best memories and stories at IÉSEG.

This month, we are meeting Olivier Bouclier, Principal Professor of Practice, Strategy at IÉSEG

What’s your background?

I am a dual citizen. I was born in France and partly raised in the US. I earned an MBA and a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) there, in the US.  I worked for a high-tech company based in Silicon Valley, California, in different U.S. Business Schools, and for large and small organizations in Europe. Today, I teach strategy mostly, leadership and decision-making.

Why did you choose IÉSEG?

When I applied, five years ago, from the U.S., I didn’t know IÉSEG. A few months later, I met with the Dean, my future Head of Department, other directors, and future colleagues and then realized IÉSEG’s culture would be a good match.

What do you like most about being a professor at the School?

Experiencing the proverbial “light bulb moment” in the classroom and feeling you have made a difference… impacting some of our students ‘lives.

According to your students, what are your strengths as a teacher?

My students often tell me they like my enthusiasm. They feel I care for them and that I am here to help them learn and grow. They also appreciate the feedback I provide.

I lecture as little as possible. Instead, students are engaged in all types of activities, debates, case discussions, short class exercises and long team projects. I see my role in the classroom as a facilitator, as a coach… a little like a conductor.

Enthusiasm is contagious in the classroom. Every time possible, I use real business cases and actual management situations to engage my students.

What does your international experience bring to the School and what does IÉSEG bring to your career?

My students probably value the fact that I have lived and worked in different countries.
As for IÉSEG, it feels like the United Nations, with colleagues from all over the world… so a Global Business School that happens to be based in France. Great!

What are the main differences between teaching abroad and teaching in France?

I feel the teaching approach has little to do with the location, so where learning is taking place. To me, faculty should stay true to her/his own teaching style, whether in France or overseas, while dynamically adapting the pace and class activities to his/her specific audience of course.

What is your best memory at IÉSEG so far?

So many of them… hard to tell! Often, the last session of a class, when chemistry with students worked, and learning happened. Also, witnessing students’ relief and joy after a successful thesis defense.

Also, the 2021 Vision Seminar. It was great to be altogether, all IÉSEG’s stakeholders, including some students.

How has the School evolved since you arrived?

In the last four years the School has further transformed itself and become more sophisticated with online and hybrid learning. The School is also breaking silos and further innovates with a focus on an active and interdisciplinary approach.

Outside of classes, how do you participate in the life of the School?

I participate in some faculty and student interviews, open days, fairs, “oraux”. In December 2021, I facilitated a discussion for the French Higher Education Day: “What French and Anglo-Saxon higher education systems can learn from each other? “