
Focus on exchange students from the U.S

IÉSEG has a range of partnerships with more than 20 universities/business schools in the U.S and welcomes students from many of these institutions on exchange on our campuses in Lille and Paris.

This semester, we welcome students from established partners such as Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) but also for the first time from Fairleigh Dickinson University (Teaneck, N.J) and Syracuse University (NY).

We spoke to some of the students currently at the School to find out why they decided to come to IÉSEG and how they are finding their study abroad experience.

Emily Akpan

Emily Akpan

Emily Akpan from Cornell University, who is double majoring in Development Sociology and Communication at her home university: “I wanted to expose myself to a more applied business program, and, of course, experience French culture!.

(At IÉSEG) I like that the classes put an emphasis on group work. It creates a positive work environment, and a greater sense of community. I’ve most enjoyed meeting people from all over the world. I know that sounds incredibly cliché, but it is true! I love discovering how people live outside of the United States– uncovering the similarities and differences.”

Tenzin Lama is currently taking an Accounting Major with a Minor in Political Science at Farleigh Dickinson University : “Last semester, I decided that I desperately wanted to study abroad. I was weighing my options and I found out that FDU recently formed a partnership with IÉSEG. I have always dreamed of living in Paris and through this program I am able to achieve this dream.

When I took my first glance at IÉSEG Paris, I was speechless. I could not believe that the school was under the arch and the architecture around the school is absolutely beautiful. Moreover, all the students I have met at IÉSEG were very friendly and willing to help.”

Kevin Joyner

Kevin Joyner

Meanwhile another student from the U.S has decided to return to IÉSEG to follow a Master of Science degree. Kevin Joyner, who first came to IÉSEG in 2014/2015 on exchange from University of South Carolina Aiken, explains: “One of my professors there persuaded me to take advantage of the exchange program IÉSEG had to offer. I took his advice and had a wonderful time here. In fact I loved IÉSEG and Lille so much I decided to return and enroll in the MIB (Master of Science in International Business program).”

Kevin has over 20 years of supply chain management experience gained while serving in the US Air Force, with most of his experience working in Europe.  He felt studying at IÉSEG would be a fantastic opportunity to leverage that experience.

“If I had to sum up my impression of studying at IÉSEG with one word it would be WOW! IÉSEG is a “first class” institution for higher learning. Learning and interacting with my MIB classmates and the rest of the student body here has been the most enjoyable. This place has rejuvenated my mind, body, and soul”.


American degree-seeking students should note that IÉSEG is recognized by the US Ministry of Education and by Sallie Mae (US). Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details.