Focus on Ŝanco: a social entrepreneurship project developed by Enactus IÉSEG Lille that aims to create a link between refugees and professionals in the Lille area

Members of Enactus
Created last year, the Ŝanco project aims to connect refugees and professionals, all the while raising their awareness (and that of IÉSEG students) about food waste.
In collaboration with different partners (like the Singa association), the 6 members of Ŝanco* have launched a cycle of 4 workshops this semester with 6 refugees at the Avant-Goût de la cuisine commune, an ephemeral space to meet, cook and eat in Lille. During these sessions, they cook together with fruit and vegetables collected from markets, and discuss a number of professional-related topics.
External actors, along with members of the solidarity-oriented team project (projet collectif solidaire) RéAct Lille, participate in leading these workshops. During the first session on October 24, the participants of the Ŝanco project discussed the labor code in France with the members of RéAct Lille.
The next session, scheduled for the beginning of December, will welcome professionals with jobs related to the refugees’ professional projects in order to talk about their careers.
This same group of refugees also works with Ŝanco’s partner, the Singa association, to prepare them for their professional integration. (Singa creates opportunities for refugees and their host communities to meet and cooperate).
Enactus IÉSEG, made up of 22 members and responsible for three projects this year, is part of the worldwide Enactus network and the national network Enactus France. The students who participate in this association use the power of entrepreneurship to transform the lives of people in need and to create a more sustainable world.
Testimonial of Mary-Anna Eon, President of Enactus IÉSEG Lille:
“The association was created at IÉSEG in 2009, and we are thus one of the oldest campuses of the Enactus France network. We have also won two national competitions.
“Last year, the Ŝanco project was created, and we are proud to have represented it at the national Enactus France competition. We have also brought the start-up Semandtik, ethical exporter of Javanese batik, under our wing. We have events throughout the year to raise students’ awareness about CSR and social entrepreneurship. For example, the third edition of our ethical Christmas Market takes place on November 28/29, and we are expecting over 500 visitors.
“IÉSEG teaches us to be good, efficient and comprehensive managers. Being a part of Enactus teaches us to be dynamic and committed leaders.
“I have been a proud member of Enactus for four years now. I started in the event pole and took on more responsibility quickly. I was trained in entrepreneurship, and now I am president of the association. This is, I think, the most beautiful gift during the time of my Master’s, and the greatest achievement of my years with Enactus….Enactus is an exceptional learning experience, where every aspect helps develop skills. I will never be able to thank my school enough for supporting this association and for allow us to experience this adventure.
“Enactus is the story of a team of 22 people who engage every day via social and environmental projects, who engage for Javanese artisans, who engage for refugees, and who engage alongside their school to build the world of tomorrow.”
*Anouk Boukobza, Célia Fondeur, Domitille Champetier, Lucie Creze, Luisa Machado et Capucine Gas