
Financial Times “European Business Schools” ranking: IÉSEG among the leading European institutions

Year after year, IÉSEG continues to establish itself among the leading European institutions in management. Ranked 47th (+8 places) in the latest Financial Times “European Business Schools” ranking, this reflects the School’s ongoing progress and commitment to academic excellence and shaping future leaders.

The “European Business Schools” ranking takes into account the School’s results in this year’s Financial Times’ rankings, and especially the Masters in Management ranking (ranked 23rd) and the Executive Education Custom ranking (ranked 43rd).

Currently represented in the MiM ranking for our Master Grande École and the Executive Education Custom ranking for our tailored programs, IESEG has successfully secured a spot in the European Top 50 (out of 100 ranked institutions). This achievement reaffirms our position among the must-see institutions for an excellent management education.

The “European Business Schools” ranking is one of the last rankings to be published in 2024, a year when IÉSEG’s programs have distinguished themselves in all national and international rankings:

L’Étudiant ranking: 9th
Le Parisien ranking (PGE post-bac) : 1st
Le Figaro ranking (PGE post-bac) : 1st
Le Figaro ranking (Bachelor -3-year program) : 2nd
Challenges ranking (PGE post-bac) : 1st
Challenges ranking (Bachelor – 3-year program) : 2nd
ChangeNOW – Les Échos ranking : 7th
Financial Times “Master in Management” : 23rd
Financial Times “Executive Education Custom” : 43rd
Financial Times “Master in Finance” : 26th
Financial Times “European Business Schools” : 47th