
IÉSEG, 4th most committed French business school in the ecological and social transition

Following the publication of the ranking of business schools most committed to the ecological and social transition, published recently by ChangeNOW – Les Echos START, IÉSEG is ranked 4th.

This annual ranking, established on the basis of a questionnaire and then an independent audit conducted by the audit firm Deloitte, takes into account 6 components:

  • Importance of social and societal impact in the courses offered
  • Network of graduates in the field of social and societal impact
  • Strategy and exemplary nature of the institution in terms of CSR
  • Diversity and equal opportunity
  • Involvement of student associations in this area
  • Academic excellence and employability

IÉSEG was ranked very high for the density of impact within its programs and for diversity and equal opportunity. It obtained the maximum number of points and was ranked first for the criterion “Strategy and exemplarity of the institution in terms of CSR”.

After having distinguished itself in recent major international rankings (Shanghai Ranking, Financial Times and QS) which confirmed its international reputation and the excellence of its teaching and research, the School demonstrates here its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, inclusion, diversity and sustainable development, dimensions which have been part of the School’s Vision since 2015 and which constitute a fundamental axis in the School’s new strategic plan “Inspire – Connect – Transform” aiming to “empower changemakers for a better society”. This ChangeNOW – Les Echos START ranking illustrates how IÉSEG has deeply adapted to train students who are increasingly in search of meaning, more demanding in their choice of education, and more sensitive to the real impact of their learning in order to play a true role in the transformation of the world and its organizations.