
IÉSEG extends global network of partners with new agreements in Africa, Asia and the US

world-2Partnerships with universities and business schools around the world are a crucial aspect of IÉSEG’s international activities, providing for example a wide range of opportunities for our students in terms of study abroad and double degree programs, and enabling the School to welcome international students to our campuses in Lille and Paris. IÉSEG has recently signed a series of agreements with business schools and universities in Africa, Asia and the USA, expanding our network of global partners to approximately 230 institutions in 60 different countries.

The new agreements have been reached with:

A full list of the School’s partner universities/schools can be found here.

In recent weeks, IÉSEG has also further developed a number of its existing partnerships around the world. For example, it has expanded exchange partnerships with Cornell University (US) and the Institut Universitaire d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), and has extended double degree agreements with BINUS University (Indonesia) and Wuhan University (China).

IÉSEG is extremely proud of its partnership network.  Of prime importance to our international strategy are the double degree and joint programs we have created in developing economy countries including 7 countries in Africa. These include student exchange, exchange of professors and administrative personnel, and in most cases degree programs.  As we have very successfully developed our partnerships in Asia and Africa, one of the important next steps for IÉSEG is to further develop our relations in Latin America.

Institutions that interested in extending or establishing new partnerships with IÉSEG should contact our international relations team.