
IÉSEG Hosts 2019 IACCM-IÉSEG Research and Practitioner Congress

IAACM-IESEGIÉSEG will host this autumn a joint research and practitioner congress with the International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (IACCM), that will take place from October 31st to November 2nd at its Paris La Défense campus.

The theme of the event, which will bring together scholars, trainers and practitioners, is Intercultural competencies for a disruptive VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world: exploring creativity, innovation, resilience and resistance in intercultural research, training and management.

The congress aims to encourage the dialogue between its participants, allowing them to contribute valuable insights and to explore together new and creative ways of promoting and embedding intercultural competence in organizations and managing in a VUCA world.

Grant Douglas, who is charge of the intercultural communication/management track at IÉSEG School of Mangement and a member of the IÉSEG Center for Intercultural Engagement, notes:

“We are very excited to be hosting this event, the first we hope of many ICIE congresses. We are also very happy to be working in collaboration with the IACCM and to be able to draw on their experience and expertise. We have a rich program lined up with participants from around the world and we look forward to welcoming you in Paris at the end of October.”

More information is available on the congress website.

*The International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (IACCM) was formed to establish a network of researchers and practitioners interested in and concerned with cross-cultural subjects.