
IÉSEG in the digital age

Could 2013 be the digital communication year for IESEG? One thing is sure, the school has decided to address its diverse public (applicants, students, partners, companies, alumni …) through the multiple media supports now essential and provided by the Internet.

Launch of new IÉSEG website: To adapt to new expectations of its users, IÉSEG launched a new website which is more user-friendly and interactive, displaying the new IÉSEG visual identity to strengthen the school image and message. The objective is to share information about each service and program as well as news from the school through appropriate easy to access formats (videos, tweets and blogs).

IÉSEG Network, an English version of the site and a Smartphone application: After launching IÉSEG Network website in 2011, the alumni association presented last December its 1st English interface to include the many international students and graduates who promote the school internationally, and a new smartphone application that allows network members (students and graduates) to access more easily the directory, jobs, calendar, events …

Social networks: the new IÉSEG “voice”:  The presence of social networks has dramatically increased within our personal or professional activities, and IÉSEG is no exception to the rule. Last summer, we launched a development campaign on various networks (Facebook  [5,500 fans], Twitter, Youtube, Viadeo, Linkedin …) and recruited a Community Manager.

Official IESEG YouTube channel:  Thanks to IÉSEG Center for Educational and Technological Innovation (CETI), we are now able to produce our own promotional videos on events and courses, which can be found on the official IÉSEG YouTube channel.

We particularly recommend you the following videos to promote IÉSEG to your students:

IÉSEG's 60th Anniversary Badge