
IÉSEG Network celebrates its 50th anniversary

The year 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of IÉSEG Network, the IÉSEG association bringing together more than 12,000 graduates. IÉSEG Network celebrated this major event during an evening at the Lido in Paris on Thursday, November 25th. 500 people, from all programs and classes, gathered for the occasion.

The evening was worthy of the association’s 50th anniversary: Nicolas MESSIO, former president of IÉSEG Network, was there to open the event, followed by the intervention of Jean-Philippe AMMEUX, IÉSEG’s Dean, who talked about the satisfaction study done with IÉSEG graduates and the growing future of IÉSEG Network. Caroline ROUSSEL, Vice-Dean, then introduced herself to the public as Jean-Philippe AMMEUX’s successor as of the next academic year.

A la suite des discours officiels, les convives ont eu l’opportunité d’assister à un extrait chorégraphique du spectacle officiel du Lido, ainsi qu’à une représentation de hip-hop par l’artiste Mansour. L’équipe IÉSEG Network à l’origine de cet événement est montée sur scène, accompagnée d’un gâteau géant pour célébrer les 50 ans de l’association. Les diplômés ainsi que certains professeurs et membres de l’administration et de l’IÉSEG ont ensuite eu l’occasion de nouer ou renouer des liens autour d’un cocktail dinatoire.

Following the official speeches, the guests had the opportunity to attend a choreographic extract from the official Lido show, as well as a hip-hop performance by the artist “Mansour”. The IÉSEG Network team behind the event came on stage along with a giant cake to celebrate the association’s 50th anniversary. Graduates as well as some professors and staff members of IÉSEG then had the opportunity to meet or renew ties over a cocktail reception.

Laetitia DUGRAIN NOEL, director of IÉSEG Network adds: “It was a wonderful evening, we celebrated with honor the 50 years of the association. The event was punctuated by warm reunions, a great atmosphere, in a magical place. An event that allows us to witness again the strength of our beautiful network.”