
The IÉSEG Network professional Clubs: places for alumni to meet and exchange ideas

IÉSEG Network is the network of IÉSEG alumni. Today, it counts more than 12,000 graduates. Among its various services and missions, the association coordinates three types of clubs: regional & international, promotions and professional.

Today, six professional Clubs are active, bringing together graduates around professional topics (entrepreneurship, diversity, socio-environmental issues) or a sector of activity (digital marketing, real estate, finance…)

Annalisa La Monaca, Alumni Project Manager at IÉSEG Network, explains: “The objective of our Clubs is simple: to bring together all IÉSEG alumni and students interested in a specific theme to share best practices, good tips, network… in a few words, to maintain their network. The Clubs are managed by volunteers who regularly organize online or face-to-face events, with the logistical and financial support of the association.” Among the types of events organized, we find aperitifs, webinars, conferences, company or work site visits, speed dating… Due to the wide geographical spread of graduates, and therefore of club members, online events are increasingly preferred to allow everyone to participate easily from their workplace or home.

Each club has a virtual exchange space on the IÉSEG Network website, as well as a private group on LinkedIn to facilitate exchanges. In 2021, two new Clubs were created: the “Finance Managers” club was launched in May to respond to the need expressed by IÉSEG alumni to preserve the interaction and culture of exchange that they experienced during their time at the School. Then in June, the “IÉSEG for Change” club was created. Its objective is to mobilize the IÉSEG community around major socio-environmental issues, in direct line with the School’s Vision.

Annalisa La Monaca concludes: “The Clubs are born from the will of the graduates themselves, who express their interest in a particular subject or sector. IÉSEG Network’s role is to ensure that this interest is shared by a large enough number of graduates to have a vibrant community. Once the idea of the Club is launched, IÉSEG Network assists the future representatives in the creation of the Club, provides them with advice on how to best run it, how to ensure that it grows quickly… and above all that it meets the expectations of the members. Our objective, on the IÉSEG Network side, is to have the most active clubs possible and to create new ones, in order to federate a large number of alumni!”

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