
IÉSEG NEW China Representative Office in Shanghai

China is the number 1 market in the world for students studying in other countries as degree-seeking students at Bachelor and Master level.

IÉSEG is very proud to be opening its China Representative Office in Shanghai together with Global Educations in Asia Co., Ltd. Mr. Marc Porto will be the official representative of IÉSEG’s China office. This is the second overseas office IÉSEG has opened with its first being in India.  Marc graduated in international trade and business administration 4 and in French Chinese administration, and he has worked in China for 7 years for 3 major companies in trading, purchasing and sales: Carrefour, Casino & Testrite.

The missions of the China Office will include raising awareness and increasing the reputation of IÉSEG in China, student recruitment, assisting Chinese students in preparing their arrival in France, developing corporate relations, helping IÉSEG students finding internships in China, creating the IÉSEG Chinese students alumni network and enhancing relationships with our Chinese partners.

To reach our China Office, please email m.porto@IÉ or chinaoffice@IÉ .