
IÉSEG organizes its first “Intercultural Engagement Week” from March 18-21, 2019

Intercultural Engagement WeekIÉSEG has become an increasingly multicultural school over recent years and has gained international recognition with the ‘triple crown’ accreditations, (AACSB, AMBA and EMBA). This year, the School welcome staff and students from more than 100 different nationalities.

However, IÉSEG’s ambition is to go further, as it aims to be one of the leading business schools in the world in terms of true intercultural learning, working, teaching and research, by investing in the development of intercultural competences among students and staff and fostering research engagement and dissemination in this area.

Numerous initiatives have already been taken in the last few years in terms of courses and training for all students and staff, and the School’s ambition of going beyond being “international” to becoming truly intercultural has been recognized with awards from AACSB and the magazine “L’Etudiant”. In order to build on these initiatives, IÉSEG is delighted to announce that the School will be holding its first-ever Intercultural Engagement Week from March 18-21, 2019.

Coordinated by ICIE (IÉSEG Center for Intercultural Engagement), in collaboration with different centers, services and departments within the School, a series of more than 10 events have been specifically designed for different members of the IÉSEG community: students, corporate contacts, parents, all staff, etc. These events on the Paris and Lille campuses will be linked to teaching and learning, corporate engagement, student engagement, research and more broadly the personal challenges of living and working in a globalized world.

The Intercultural Engagement Week will help the School take another step forward in its vision to become a “unique international hub empowering changemakers for a better society” and will help it to develop cultural intelligence as a defining element of all students and staff.

Please find a selection of the events that will take place during the week:

March 18: (Paris la Defense)
•    Pedagogical Conference: “Self-defining the International student: How much culture and language do they (want to) learn? A cross-national study of 11 universities”

March 19: (Paris la Defense)
•    Corporate breakfast (in French) on multicultural teams, led by Grant Douglas, Bernd Gibson and Aline Scholz
•    Corporate lunchtime talk: “Culture and Internationalisation”, led by Catherine Demangeot

March 20: (Lille)
•    Research workshop: “Expertise and Interests”, led by Katharina Zeugner-Roth
•    VIP talk: “Managing in Intercultural Contexts”, led by Terry Mughan
•    Student Forum: “The International Student Experience”, led by Terry Mughan and Bohdan Pawlyszyn

March 21: (Paris La Defense)
•    Round table: “Living and Communicating Across Cultures”, led by Laure Ayosso and a panel of experts
•    Research Seminar: “Cross-cultural adaptivity and conflict resolution” with Peter Coleman from Columbia, organized with ICON

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