IÉSEG pursues international development with the opening of a Latin America representation office in Colombia

Image: 123RF/ Marina Zlochin
On May 20, 2016 IÉSEG has officially opened its new international office for Latin America in Bogota, Colombia. The new office has been inaugurated at a ceremony gathering: the Associate Dean – International, Stephen Murdoch; the French Ambassador in Colombia, Jean-Marc Laforêt; the Director of the Business France office in Bogota, Olivier Pradet; and representatives from Campus France, national and international companies, and our academic partners in Colombia.
Three years after opening its office in Shanghai, and 6 years after the opening of two representative offices in India, IÉSEG has decided to strengthen its presence in Latin America.
“This new office underlines the importance of the dynamic, vibrant economies of the Latin American region, and IÉSEG’s desire to further its global development,” explains Stephen Murdoch, Associate Dean – International.
Students from Latin America are increasingly attracted to programs which are taught in English at our campuses in Paris and Lille. This year the School welcomed 1 900 exchange and degree-seeking international students.
The objectives of the new office will include increasing awareness of IÉSEG across Latin America, recruiting students, and intensifying links with universities, business schools, alumni and companies.
“We are extremely proud of our academic and corporate network in the region and know this venture will help to further develop this network and to increase the involvement of our students, faculty and administrative personnel in this exciting region of the world,” adds Stephen Murdoch.
Pauline Poupard, who heads the new office in Bogota, knows the region well as she has worked (in Latin America) for Veolia, Masaya and JCDecaux. She is also an IÉSEG alumnus.
IÉSEG currently has partnerships with the following universities/business schools in Latin America:
❖ Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina
❖ Universidad Argentina de la Empresa
❖ Universidad Catolica de Cordoba
❖ Universidad Nacional del Sur
❖ Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais –
❖ Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana
❖ The Coppead Graduate School of Business
❖ Universidade de Sao Paulo
❖ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
❖ Universidad Andres Bello
❖ Universidad del Desarrollo
❖ Universidad Mayor
❖ Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
❖ Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administracion
❖ Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
❖ Universidad del Rosario
❖ Universidad Externado de Colombia
❖ Universidad San Francisco de Quito
❖ UIDE, Universidad internacional del Ecuador
❖ Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM)
❖ Universidad de La Salle Bajio
❖ Universidad Iberoamericana
❖ Universidad La Salle
❖ CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School
❖ Universidad del Pacifico
❖ Universidad ESAN, Graduate School of Business
❖ Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola.