IÉSEG rewards its professors during the 4th edition of the Teaching Awards
Launched in 2019, the IÉSEG Teaching Excellence Awards aim to reward the commitment of IÉSEG professors who, on a daily basis, offer high-level teaching to their students. To do so, they rely on cutting-edge research, offer a high quality learning experience by constantly adapting their teaching materials and practices, which is supported by the passion they put into their teaching.
As every year, professors are nominated for each of the four categories (Bachelor level, Master level, Specialized Masters and Executive Education) based on student evaluations. 53 professors were nominated this year, sometimes in several categories because they teach in several programs.
Next, professors submit a portfolio explaining their vision of teaching and learning (how they influence, motivate and inspire their students to learn) and how they contribute to the development of programs, resources or new teaching methods. They also detail their involvement in the development of their own and other professors’ teaching skills.
A fifth category created in 2021, the “Digital” Pedagogical Excellence Award, aims to recognize the use of technology in teaching and learning, whether online, in the classroom, or a combination of both. The use of digital technologies allows students to become actors of their teaching, to work on concrete cases and to develop their knowledge and skills through contents mixing practice and theory.
Unlike other prizes, it is the professors who apply directly by submitting a file that will be evaluated by the jury.
The jury, composed of 9 people*, awarded the 2022 Pedagogical Excellence Awards to the following professors:
- Digital Pedagogical Excellence Award: Matthieu BUISINE and Luis Fernando PEREZ ARMAS

©IÉSEG / Vincent CLERO
Matthieu BUISINE is in charge of the Quantitative Methods program at IÉSEG. He came from the corporate world after obtaining a DEA in Econometrics. He teaches analysis techniques and Machine Learning in courses such as “Econometrics”, “Data Analysis” or “Operational Research”. He also works in the food industry to advise on modeling, statistical quality control and experimental design issues.
Matthieu BUISINE has been rewarded for creating totally asynchronous online courses (which can be consulted by students at any time) and online content that complements in-person course sessions, in a hybrid approach. The asynchronous courses are intended for future IÉSEG Bachelor’s students who lack the necessary skills to effectively follow certain courses (such as Quantitative Methods) when they arrive at the School, and who must therefore improve their level during the summer before joining IÉSEG. The contents used according to a hybrid logic, allow students to prepare themselves before coming to class to apply what they have seen online, and also give the opportunity to those who wish to specialize in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, data analysis… to go further in the lessons received.

©IÉSEG / Vincent CLERO
Luis Fernando PEREZ ARMAS is in the last year of his PhD in Economics and Management at the University of Lille, and is supervised by Stefan Creemers, professor in Operations Management at IÉSEG. Luis teaches “Agile Project Management” at IÉSEG for the Specialized Master’s Degree in Digital Strategy and Transformation, as well as “Project Management” and “Python for Project Scheduling” in the Bachelor’s Degree Program.
He was rewarded for creating mini-games from A to Z so that, through the game, Bachelor students can have a concrete understanding of the optimization of operations (e.g., supply chain optimization; optimization of deliveries to customers, etc.). Such a playful approach allows students to better understand and realize the impact of their decisions on the cost (economic or ecological) of supply chain activities.
- Award for Pedagogical Excellence – Bachelor’s level: Catherine GABELICA

©IÉSEG / Vincent CLERO
Catherine GABELICA holds a doctorate in educational sciences from the University of Maastricht (Netherlands). She is a professor in Human Resources Management and founder of the IÉSEG Certificate in Pedagogy. Among the courses she teaches are “Managing Teams” and “Fundamentals of Human Behavior”. Her research focuses on group dynamics and feedback.
- Award for Pedagogical Excellence – Master’s Level: Calliope SUDBOROUGH

©IÉSEG / Vincent CLERO
Calliope SUDBOROUGH holds a doctorate in law from the University of Paris II Panthéon – ASSAS and a Juris Doctor degree in International Law from Suffolk University Law School. She is a member of the New York Bar and is a professor of international negotiation at IÉSEG. She teaches Business Negotiation, Negotiating Contracts and Law and Negotiating International Political Agreements to students. Her research interests include the use of mediation in investment treaties and sovereign debt disputes.
- Prize for Pedagogical Excellence – Specialized Masters : Arno DE CAIGNY and Pratik GOEL
Arno DE CAIGNY is a professor of Marketing Analytics at IÉSEG, specializing in the use of data to improve decision-making in companies. Expert in machine learning and author of numerous publications in leading academic and professional journals, he holds a PhD in marketing and teaches courses in “Marketing Research”, “Foundation of data science”, “Business Analytics tools commercial” and “Data Strategy” at the School.

©IÉSEG / Vincent CLERO
Pratik GOEL holds a PhD from the Indian School of Business (Hyderabad, India). He has been a professor in Accounting at IÉSEG since 2016 and teaches the “Financial Accounting” and “Financial Reporting and Analysis” courses to Specialized Masters students. He is also the coordinator of the “Financial Analysis” course in the Bachelor cycle of the Grande École Program and the coordinator of the interdisciplinary project entitled “People, Planet, Profit”.
- Award for Pedagogical Excellence – Continuing Education: Bernard COULATY

©IÉSEG / Vincent CLERO
Bernard COULATY, HR Director for more than 30 years in France, Europe and Asia for large French groups with a global dimension, is a recognized expert in HR engagement and transformation strategies. Author of New Deal of Employee Engagement (McGraw-Hill 2015) adapted for France under the title ENGAGEMENT 4.0 (EMS 2018), he teaches leadership and human resources management at IÉSEG at Master level, for Specialized Masters and in Executive Education. He is also the Academic Director of the brand new Specialized Master’s degree in ‘Transformation and Human Development Management‘.
For Loïc Plé, IÉSEG’s Academic Director, “these Pedagogical Excellence Awards are not only an opportunity to reward the 7 winners of this 2022 edition, but also and above all the entire School’s faculty which, on a daily basis, offers an engaging learning experience to all students. The quality of their teaching, recognized by the students themselves, by our graduates and by our partner companies, is based on their passion for teaching and for supporting students, on quality content, as well as on teaching techniques and learning methods that are regularly rethought, improved and modernized. Ensuring the success of our students means offering them innovative teaching methods, integrating the best of face-to-face, distance and digital learning to develop the spirit of boldness, innovation and responsibility of these future generations. It is with this objective in mind that, as early as 2017, we set up a pedagogy training certificate for IÉSEG professors, a certificate whose content itself is constantly evolving.”
* The awarding committee of the IÉSEG 2022 Teaching Excellence Awards is composed of the Director of Pedagogy, the Academic Director of the PGE Program, the Director of the International Programs, the Head of IÉSEG Pedagogical Certificate and of the winners of the previous year’s awards.