IÉSEG Vision: a renewed commitment for sustainable impact
In 2015, the entire IÉSEG community (students, academic and administrative staff, alumni, and corporate partners) embarked on an 18-month Vision initiative to collectively envision what the School would be by 2025. Emerging from this extensive collaborative effort, IÉSEG’s Vision – Empowering changemakers for a better society – captured everyone’s strong aspirations while acknowledging the School’s strengths, roots, and values.

Reaffirmed during the crafting of the 2022-2027 strategic plan, this Vision seems more relevant than ever today, given the social, societal, environmental, and economic challenges the world faces.
Since 2015, IÉSEG has undergone significant transformation: it now counts over 600 staff members (including more than 200 permanent professors), 8,450 students in more than twenty undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and over 17,000 alumni. Above all, IÉSEG has strengthened its position across many areas, consolidating its position as a leading post-baccalaureate school in France. Its international reputation has significantly grown, supported by its Triple Crown accreditation and position in numerous rankings like those of the Financial Times.
During the 2023 Vision – Get Together seminar, IÉSEG’s entire community – including staff, students, and alumni – worked in groups to review the Vision and its foundations. This process ensured ongoing relevance, alignment with societal challenges, and consistency with the School’s strategic objectives. Each participant had the opportunity to express opinions, suggest adaptations to the current Vision, propose additions, or advocate for keeping elements deemed essential.
At the end of the seminar, a group of 10 volunteers representing all School activities gathered to process, sort, analyze, and structure over 1,500 contributions into a coherent summary, which was presented as a poster to all staff members in late 2024.

The Vision itself remains unchanged as it perfectly embodies the School’s values and daily commitments. While four of its pillars underwent slight revisions, the fifth pillar dedicated to CSR was omitted. Contributors preferred integrating sustainability into all of the School’s activities rather than keeping it separate from daily life.
The four pillars defined to implement IÉSEG’s Vision – “Empowering changemakers for a better society” – are:
- Promoting Innovative Learning Solutions (in particular, around customized, action-based and interdisciplinary learning; professors as facilitators and sources of motivation; a learning experience based on cutting-edge technologies)
- Working, Growing and Becoming Together – thanks, in particular, to the development of talents, a sense of belonging to IÉSEG, the promotion of diversity and inclusion, as well as collective empowerment in decision-making and management.
- Nurturing Impactful and Sustainable Partnerships – especially by forming diverse partnerships with top-quality partners that reflect our values.
- A Recognized Knowledge Hub – promoting the School’s research and expertise, offering training to all throughout their professional lives, or even leading sustainability projects within companies.
“This Vision process has significantly influenced IÉSEG and all staff members who had the opportunity to contribute to it a decade ago. Since then, all staff, alumni, and students have also embraced it. It has become a fundamental part of the School, embodied daily through our teaching, research, and student support activities. Therefore, it is essential that it continues to meet the expectations of our stakeholders and remains the compass guiding all our actions,” concludes Caroline ROUSSEL, Dean of IÉSEG.