
IÉSEG welcomes new academic partners

IÉSEG’s network of more than 250 international partners (universities and business schools) in 65 countries around the world, provides students with a range of exchange opportunities and double degree programs, and professors with research collaboration opportunities.

We are delighted to have established in recent months new academic partnerships with the following institutions from across the world:

Universidad de la Sabana – Chia / Bogota (Colombia)

Universidad Internacional del Ecuador – Quito (Ecuador)

The American University in Cairo (Egypt)

Caucasus University – Tbilissi (Georgia)

Flame University – Pune (India)

Lebanese American University – Beirut (Lebanon)

HAN University of Applied Sciences – Arnhem (The Netherlands)

Universidade Nova de Lisbon (Portugal)

United Arab Emirates University – Al-Ain (United Arab Emirates)

University of Hertfordshire – Hatfield (United Kingdom)

Pace University – New York NY (USA)

We welcome them to our international network and look forward to working together!

A full list of the School’s partner universities/schools can be found here:

Institutions that are interested in extending or establishing new partnerships with IÉSEG should contact our international relations team.