
International exposure and experience at IÉSEG

While IÉSEG is based in France, its mission is to be a truly international business school. This academic year, we welcome 1,900 international students (98 different nationalities) whilst more than 80% of the full time permanent faculty is ‘international’.

IÉSEGThe extent of our global network of university partners also demonstrates the international objectives of the School. All students on the Grande École programme have the opportunity during their studies in France to spend one or two periods studying abroad at one of our partner institutions.

IÉSEG has also integrated international exposure into its courses and internships. Students have the opportunity to follow the five years of the Grande École Programme in English. All of a students (4) internships can be carried out abroad and each student must have proven experience of at least four months abroad to graduate. 36.6% of our Grande École graduates begin their careers outside of France, whilst two-thirds have a job function linked with international activities.

“Internationalisation at home”

To ensure that our French and international students develop the intercultural competencies essential for their future careers , the School has, for example, also set up a series of activities to accompany them throughout the Grande École program.

Each student in the Bachelor cycle must validate a “Cultural Diversity Passport” composed of a specific training module “Understanding Cultural Diversity” and pedagogical activities involving students of different nationalities. During the Master program, students have the opportunity to attend a number of elective courses in connection with intercultural competencies and the ability to obtain a certificate in cultural diversity that they can highlight on their CV.

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