
IÉSEG opens its international MBA program at Paris-La Défense

MBAAs of September 2014, the program will open with, as always for the school, an ambition to offer a unique and intense experience with participants from around the world and led by our best professors.




Joining our international MBA is a unique opportunity within 12 months to:

  • Master necessary management skills (finance , accounting, marketing , innovation, human resources) and deepen chosen areas of business through a variety of electives ;
  • Know how to combine theoretical knowledge and practical application through case studies , illustrations and concrete examples as well as through the implementation of a Business Plan under the guidance of a practitioner-instructor;
  • Learn from others by sharing with participants coming from around the world with diverse and rich professional backgrounds;
  • Benefit from the expertise of top international instructors recognized in their field;
  • Accelerate one’s career with a personalized development program with accredited coaches and professional tutors.

To apply you must have:

  • Minimum three years of professional experience
  • A university degree (bachelor).

Applications are already open! Deadlines are May 30, 2014 for non-European candidates and 27 June 2014 for European candidates.

More information:

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