
IÉSEG’s International Spring & Summer Programs

cover springIÉSEG School of Management is a favorite destination of international students who want to study in Paris during the academic year, but the school also welcomes students from all around the world during the spring and the summer and offers them 3 unique opportunities to study French Culture, Global Business& Management and earn credits, while enjoying time in Paris.


This spring, IÉSEG launches the French Culture Spring Session, a new program for international students focused on French Culture. This course is designed to rapidly improve French language skills, give an introduction to the French Culture and give students an insight into Arts, Fashion and Cultural Management. This program is complemented by organized cultural activities, company visits and the opportunity to discover independently the wonderful city of Paris. The program offers the possibility to gain 12 ECTS credits.

The International Summer Academy is a 4-week intensive program targeting college and university juniors, seniors and recent graduates coming from all disciplines. Held in July (1-28), it combines topic-based courses on a variety of subjects (ranging from Corporate Diplomacy to Marketing Communication, to Global Commodity Markets) with optional French language courses and extra-curricular activities, which will enable them to discover the French way of life and the iconic City of Lights. The program offers the possibility to gain 8 transferrable ECTS credits (for the 76 hours of topic-based courses) and 4 more credits for the French course (33 hours).

The Postgraduate International Summer Academy is intended for graduate students from diverse backgrounds as well, and focuses on Sustainable and Responsible Management. It aims at training future leaders who will envision business in a globally- and socially-responsible manner, and who will contribute to tomorrow’s sustainable and prosperous economy. This 2-week program (1-15 July) balances 40 hours of intensive classes with corporate visits chosen to illustrate the course plan. Extra-curricular activities are also part of the program. 6 ECTS credits are to be gained from successfully participating.

Participants will be immersed in an international environment: being taught in English by international faculty and creating friendships with classmates from all continents, thus starting to build their global network and gaining the confidence to lead an international career. Last year, students from 27 countries joined the programs.

For more information about the programs:

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