
Launch of a new Research center – iRisk

IÉSEG School of Management is pleased to announce the creation of a new Research Center dedicated to the topics of risk and uncertainty.

The new Center, iRisk, brings together around 10 researchers from Lille and Paris sharing a common interest in decision-making under risk and uncertainty, and with an expertise in the fields of decision theory, behavioural and experimental economics, environmental economics, health economics, and finance.

Members of the new Center carry out state-of-the-art research, participate and organize events related to risk and uncertainty, and contribute to training the next generation of leaders in decision-making, risk analysis and related disciplines.

“Our research will cover a wide range of topics ranging from theoretical contributions on risk and ambiguity to applied research focusing on issues such as savings, portfolio choice, and climate and health policy,” explains Loïc Berger, CNRS researcher and professor at IÉSEG. “The goal is better understand these complex issues and to contribute to key areas of public policymaking.”

Find out more about the new center here:

An example of one of the projects carried out by researchers: INDUCED (Integrating Deep Uncertainty in Climate Change Modelling).

This research project, funded by the French national research agency, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), aims to propose new ways of incorporating preferences people have with respect to deep uncertainty in the decision-making processes related to climate policy.

The project aims to contribute to the debate on the way to address uncertainty in the context of climate change. This is of particular importance since future policy decisions potentially may have important consequences on the socioeconomic environment and are associated with events that have never been encountered before.

More information on this project is here.