Manager in vivo: an innovative elective to develop students’ managerial aptitudes
IÉSEG provides all its Master Grande École students with the opportunity to participate in the Manager in Vivo elective.
In this course, each Master student becomes a “Manager in Vivo-MIV” with the responsibility for accompanying and managing around 20 first-year Bachelor-cycle students throughout a semester.
To assist MIVs in their mission, they first learn to use the Process Communication (Kahler) tool to know themselves and the students they will be coaching better, which in turn allows them to communicate better.
Exchanges between the MIV and their group of first-year students then occur in the framework of at least three group meetings. These allow the Master student to share their experience (mentor role) and to accompany the first-year student in their reflections on different opportunities at the School (e.g. student associations, study abroad periods) and the early stages of their career project.
The evaluation of each MIV is based on students’ implication in their missions (for which they are coached), and a reflective report they must submit at the end of the mission.
A nice way to develop managerial competences in-situ and to prepare students’ professional futures!