
Master in Digital Marketing & CRM: Unlocking Career Paths in Digital Marketing

In today’s digital landscape, mastering the complexities of digital marketing is paramount for aspiring professionals aiming to thrive in this ever-evolving industry. At IÉSEG, the Master in Digital Marketing & CRM (MDM) program is meticulously designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in diverse roles, in specialties ranging from Search Engine Marketing (SEM/SEO) to Customer Success and Brand Community Management. 

Empowering Future SEM/SEO Experts 

Under the expert guidance of professors, students are immersed in a dynamic learning environment that seamlessly integrates theory with practical application. The program introduces essential SEO/SEM metrics, providing students with a solid foundation for reporting and analysis tasks. Practical experience with real client data on Google Analytics fosters hands-on learning, enabling students to make data-driven recommendations. Moreover, students also delve deep into the nuances of SEM/SEO, where they can explore Google’s algorithm and learn effective on-site and off-site tactics for website ranking. Practical exercises, including managing Google Ads accounts and passing the Google Ads Search certification and the GA4 certification, ensure students are well prepared for real-world challenges.  

Rob SANDERS, visiting professor, explains: “My web analytics course offers a lot of hands-on experience as the students actually get to analyze “real” data from one of my client’s GA4 accounts. The data centers around marketing channels, specifically SEM & SEO, and the students get to measure and then make recommendations based on the data they analyze.” 

In the paid search section of the course, students are taken to all the important SEA dimensions : what’s in a Google Ads account, how Google’s auction mechanism works, how they can better target their ads, what are the creative best practices, how to bid like a pro and make the extra step in terms of measurement so they can have a deep understanding of their ads performance,” ads Matthieu Tran-Van, Professor specialized in Search Engine Marketing.

Nurturing Customer Success and CXM Leaders 

In the realm of Customer Success and Customer Experience Management (CXM), IÉSEG’s Master in Digital Marketing & CRM prepares students to become adept at crafting exceptional customer journeys and enhancing brand-customer relationships. 

Throughout the program, students develop a comprehensive understanding of customer experience management, analyzing real-world scenarios and devising strategies to improve customer satisfaction. The professor’s expertise focuses on CRM and Customer Success, where students delve into the crucial role of customer centricity in effective CRM strategies. Utilizing fun and sometimes unexpected resources like excerpts from the “Madmen” series, professions trigger discussions on defining, creating, managing, and monitoring customer experiences. Practical exercises, such as analyzing Trust Pilot reviews and developing new strategies for companies, ensure students are not only equipped with theoretical knowledge but also practical skills aligned with industry demands.   

A highlight of the course on CRM and Customer Success is the opportunity for students to interview a customer success professional as part of their individual course assignment. The curriculum begins with a focus on the paramount importance of customer centricity in effective CRM, emphasizing its pivotal role in meeting and exceeding customer expectations across marketing, sales, customer service, and the burgeoning field of customer success. Central to the course is the formula CS = CX + CO, underscoring the interconnectedness of Customer Success (CS), Customer Experience (CX), and Customer Outcomes (CO), particularly within B2B contexts. Delving into CX, students explore the Gaps Model of Service quality, elucidating the factors that contribute to either positive or negative customer experiences. Transitioning to CS, Sue Nabeth Moore, expert in the  industry elucidates the Land and Expand model, a strategic framework for delivering ongoing value to customers and expanding business relationships. Furthermore, discussions on utilizing Customer Health Scores for dynamic customer segmentation and resource allocation, along with engaging role plays depicting the interactions between CS professionals and their clients, enrich the learning experience.

Helen COCCO, professor of Marketing, details: “In my course, we aim to understand the kind of experience that companies want to provide to their customers, and we discuss potential disparities between company aspirations and customer expectations, which affect the overall customer experience.”

Safeguarding Brand Reputation in the Digital Age 

The course on Online Reputation Management sheds light on the complexities of brand reputation in the digital realm. It emphasizes the importance of monitoring and managing brand reputation, acknowledging that while it takes years to build strong brand equity, it can be jeopardized swiftly by the power of social media. The course serves a dual purpose: to raise students’ awareness of the significance of brand reputation management and to provide them with practical experience using social monitoring tools such as Mention. 

During the course, students are introduced to the functionalities of Mention through insights from a key account representative. They learn to create alerts to track discussions about a brand in real-time, enabling them to stay abreast of both positive endorsements and potential crises. Through the analysis of dashboards, students gain valuable insights into monitoring the reputation of various brands across different countries. 

Last year, the highlight of the course was the coming of a seasoned professional from L’Oréal. Drawing from her experience, she elucidated the challenges and rewards of monitoring brand reputation at an international level, offering invaluable perspectives to students embarking on their digital marketing careers. 

Testimonials Speak Volumes 

Former students, now thriving professionals in the field, attest to the program’s effectiveness in preparing them for the demands of the digital marketing landscape. 

The Master in Digital Marketing & CRM program provided with me comprehensive and in-depth knowledge on the expansive landscape of Digital Marketing & CRM, spanning from creativity to numbers and analyzing data. This holistic learning proved to be invaluable, especially as it provided me with a clear direction when entering the professional world. The program’s emphasis on concrete, real-world projects enriched the whole learning process; on top of that, interacting and collaborating with colleagues from many different international backgrounds, enhanced the whole experience and fostered personal growth,” Alissa Rota, graduate, Consumer Lifecycle Specialist at Salomon

John Raul II Joven, also a Master in Digital Marketing & CRM graduate, SEO expert at Barco, says: “the Master in Digital Marketing & CRM program helped me develop and strengthen my knowledge in Search Engine Optimization. Understanding the synergy between Paid Search and SEO strategy has been a tremendous help for me in my current job position. The courses are relevant with today’s challenges in business.” 

The Master in Digital Marketing & CRM at IÉSEG goes beyond traditional classroom learning, offering a dynamic and immersive experience that prepares students to become agile and innovative leaders in the digital marketing arena. Whether you aspire to excel in SEM/SEO, customer success, or brand community management, IÉSEG’s Master in Digital Marketing & CRM program provides the tools, knowledge, and industry insights needed to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.