A specific mentoring program for IÉSEG’s MBA and Mastères Spécialisés® participants
To boost their employability or to switch to a new career path, executives and managers usually opt for ‘Executive’ training, as it is well adapted to the new challenges of the working world and to their desire for professional development. Going through professional training has become an almost unavoidable step since the arrival of the pandemic, but faced with an increasingly important training offer, it is sometimes difficult to find the right one.
In this perspective of integration and employability, IÉSEG and its Career Center have chosen to develop a professional support offer for participants in qualifying programs.
The challenge is both obvious and demanding: to accompany participants in their reflection on the evolution of their career path and professional project, connected to their MBA or Mastère Spécialisé® and in line with the socio-economic reality and the job market. The participants’ profiles are very varied with different career objectives: some wish to evolve internally to reach management positions, while others are undergoing professional reconversion or wish to discover new sectors of activity, or even start their own business.
The Career Center’s offer is unique both in its 360° format and in the quality of its career consultants. A total of 4 dedicated experts and a network of some twenty coaches and HR specialists allow to respond to the various personal, business and sectoral issues.

©Leopold RIGAUT
The career support is an “à la carte” program that is available throughout the duration of the training. It is made up of group workshops, individual coaching and corporate and network events. This offer is backed up by digital media and content. The experts are trained in personality analysis tools such as MBTI, Process Communication, 4 colors and Assessfirst, for example. The topics covered are varied: gaining confidence to build a new professional identity, communicating your project, developing a networking strategy, using social networks, setting up your personal branding, boosting your leadership, developing your managerial posture, defining a strategy and taking action, working on your professional values and motivations, job hunting, etc.
The Career Center’s offer is based on five complementary cornerstones:
- A 10-hour Career Coaching program, which supports each participant individually in their career development. In total, more than 1,000 hours of coaching have been provided in 3 years.
- 16 Career Workshops: group workshops dedicated to “personal branding” that provide participants with the tools to build their project and put it into action. Co-development sessions that promote collective problem solving and intelligence.
- Corporate Events: each year, the Corporate Relations Department organizes more than 30 events for Executive participants, enabling them to meet inspiring companies and professionals and to expand their network.
- The ‘Career Online’ platform allows them to find all the tutorials and career tools they need as well as access to IÉSEG’s partner sites such as MBAExchange or to the replay of company events.
- A highly anticipated Network event: the meeting with recruitment agencies and specialized headhunters. This event, organized every year, allows them to discover these firms, their specialties and target sectors, but also their codes, languages and expectations: a precious asset for the rest of their career.
In addition, a specific program is included in the IÉSEG MBA program: this integrative and reflective course allows students to transform all the contributions of the MBA experience into a professional project that will be presented to a jury of alumni and companies.
As Delphine LOPENAGUE, in charge of the Career Center on the Paris – La Défense Campus, explains: “Our objective is to complete the academic training program with a professional support program that allows participants to transform their IÉSEG experience into a coherent career plan in line with the challenges of tomorrow. We are committed to offering an individualized service to participants while developing an IÉSEG learning community spirit that is rich in resources for the future of each participant. It is up to the participants to seize this opportunity as a springboard to boost their careers!”
An offer that helped a lot Yoann FORTINI, Team Manager ITS Business Incubation at Konica Minolta Europe: “The accompaniment and the coaching proposed by IÉSEG proved to be of great quality and especially very useful. It took into account the context and history of my situation, but was above all oriented towards the future, in a constructive and practical approach, with concrete milestones. The Career Program has been a key element in my MBA journey. I was able to feel more comfortable with my desires and my new professional choices, in order to take them on and implement them.“