
New book uses managerial and societal approach to study the “Generation Z” and their perceptions of the workplace


Professor Elodie Gentina

Born during the ‘fourth’ industrial revolution, the generation Z imposes a reconsideration of management in the workplace. For years, the press, HR and marketing professionals have been talking about the generation Y, a generation that is well known by companies. However, attention is now shifting very rapidly to the generation Z.

The new book (written in French) Génération Z. Des Z consommateurs aux Z collaborateurs*(Editions Dunod), by two specialists (Elodie Gentina from IÉSEG and Marie-Eve Delécluse), deciphers the behavior and particularities of this generation, key to the revolution of consumer society. Nowadays, consumerism is a privileged area where young people experience all sorts of contradictory aspirations: the importance of real relationships in the face of digitalization, and the importance of a new, more social and collaborative form of loyalty in the face of zapping.

Based on a study of 2,300 young people

All of the contradictory values and aspirations in consumption patterns influence the relationship between the generation Z and the business world. This book incorporates the results of a major study conducted in France in 2017 with 2,300 young people about the generation Z and their perceptions of the business world. It describes the shifts that have started with the arrival of the Zs in different societal and managerial spheres, along with their perceptions of the workplace.

According to this study, 49.5% of the young people interviewed agree that hierarchy levels should be maintained in organizations. The authors explain that this generation is transforming imposed authority into a chosen authority. In addition, it is changing social culture into a culture of sharing. 75.7% of these young people agreed that the collective is more important than the individual in a work environment.

An “operational” publication for managers

generation-zThis book is resolutely operational and provides numerous examples: based on surveys of over 3,000 young people, testimonials and interviews of experts and corporate executives in order to show how the generation Z’s new consumption patterns will be key elements for the managers of tomorrow. It responds to important questions such as, Who is the generation Z? What is their relationship to work and to management? What are their expectations from a company? How should managers respond to these expectations?

This new book has been published in French but more information on the results of this work are available directly from Professor Elodie Gentina.

*Generation Z. Z consumers and colleagues.