
New faculty members join IÉSEG

IÉSEG is pleased to announce that it will welcome 19 new professors/postdoctoral researchers to its academic faculty in 2020/2021.

15 new experts in a wide range of management and business related fields are joining the School in September/October 2020 and four further faculty members are due to join in January 2021.

In the framework of the School’s strategy to provide students with a unique, intercultural pedagogical experience and to be internationally recognized for its quality research, permanent professors have a dual mission combining teaching and research. They will join the other members of the School’s international faculty at the Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses.

Of the 162 permanent full-time permanent professors at the School this year, approximately three-quarters are from outside of France (47 nationalities overall) and 100% have a PhD/Doctorate.

The 15 new professor/Postdoctoral researchers (by department) are:


• Adrian Kubata, Professor of financial accounting (Paris)

Economics & Quantitative methods

• Adrian Montalbo, Post-doctoral researcher in economics (Paris)
• Juan Munoz, Professor of economics (Paris)


• Azizjon Alimov, Professor of finance (Paris)
• Prabesh Luitel, Professor of finance (Paris)
• Mohamed Zakriya, Professor of finance (Lille)

Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Information Systems

• Alejandro Amezcua, Professor of management (Paris)
• Carine Farias, Professor of entrepreneurship (Paris)
• Elisabeth Müller, Professor of management (Paris)

Marketing & Sales

• Bernadett Köles, Professor of marketing (Paris)
• Gudrun Roose, Professor of marketing (Lille)

People, Organizations & Negotiation

• Marie-Colombe Afota, Professor of leadership (Lille)
• Cathy Guo, Professor of HRM (Paris)
• Melvyn Hamstra, Professor of leadership (Lille)
• Kristine Tamayo, Professor of leadership /HRM (Lille)

The School is also pleased to announce that the Susana Esper (Management & Society), Caroline Rieu Plichon (People, Organizations & Negotiation), Ilke Aydogan (Economics & Quantitative Methods) and Kaveh Mohajeri (Innovation, Entrepreneurship & IS), who were previously postdoctoral researchers at the School, have recently become permanent professors.

In addition to their teaching activities, permanent faculty members are actively engaged in research in all the different domains of management and economics. These activities support both their teaching and the interaction with companies and other stakeholders. The high quality of their research and publications, together with the international nature of our faculty, further contributes to the relevance of their work and to the reputation of the School.