
New Partnerships in USA

This year, IÉSEG School of Management has developed its academic partnerships in the USA: creating a new program  with Clemson University, going further with actual partners as University of Richmond and Rowan University , making concrete a double degree with Western New England University and signing two new partnerships with Fairleigh Dickinson University and Syracuse University.

Fairleigh Dickinson University

The largest private university in New Jersey, FDU is a not-for-profit, nonsectarian, multicampus institution. Founded in 1942, FDU achieved four-year status in 1948 and approval as a university in 1956.
The University offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including doctoral programs in nursing practice, clinical psychology and school psychology; and an AACSB-accredited business school. Degree programs are offered on two New Jersey campuses and at two FDU locations outside the U.S.: Wroxton College, in Oxfordshire in England, and FDU-Vancouver, in British Columbia, Canada.
FDU’s 12,000 full- and part-time students pursue quality career-oriented programs on schedules tailored to their needs — days, evenings and weekends. The curriculum reflects a mission of global education and a foundation of a world-renowned University Core. IÉSEG and FDU will exchange students at undergraduate and graduate level.

University website

Syracuse University

Syracuse University is a place where students from diverse backgrounds stretch their limits and learn from scholars of distinction, industry leaders, and community members. Together, they explore, discover, and break boundaries as they address real-world issues.  And by connecting theory with practice, SU students learn to make their mark by preparing for the world in the world.
Nearly 40 percent of Syracuse University students study in another country with SU Abroad. Ranked as one of the highest quality study abroad programs by U.S. News and World Report, SU Abroad allows students to customize their study abroad experience. IÉSEG and SU will exchange students at undergraduate and graduate level.

University website