
New Rector at the Université Catholique de Lille

Université Catholique de Lille, from which IÉSEG School of Management is part of, recently elected a new President-Rector. Thérèse Lebrun, an IÉSEG Alumni with PhD in economic science, was nominated Vice-Rector of UCL in 1997 and elected President-Rector from 2003 to 2012. She’s had strong commitments in terms of health economics at university level and with the Nord-Pas-de-Calais French region, and is Vice-President of FIUC (International Federation of Catholic Universities) since 2009.

She leaves the position to Pierre Giorgini, former Director of ISEN Lille, an engineering school within UCL. Mr Giorgini taught at the National Institute of “Cadres” in Telecommunications, then worked at different positions for France Télécom including Director of Human Resources, after creating his own school of telecommunications (ENIC).

The transfer of power between Thérèse Lebrun and Pierre Giorgini took place at UCL on June 28, in front of His Grace Laurent Ulrich, Archbishop of Lille and Chancellor at UCL, Pr Xavier Renders, Vice-Rector of Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) and President of Board of Governors of the university, Jean-Claude Thiriez, President of the Board of Directors of ICL, Dr. Jacques Richir, Vice-President  of ICL and Lille Deputy Mayor  and Martine Aubry, Lille Mayor and President of Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine. Ms Aubry reminded that UCL is a university which discusses with political, economical and religious worlds, as well as private and public universities.

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