
Organization of the start of the academic year

In a few days, IÉSEG’s teams will have the pleasure of welcoming students on our Lille and La Défense campuses in a health context that remains complex.

In order to limit crowding on our campuses, the School’s Management has decided that part of the courses will be taught on site, while another part will take place remotely. Details by course of study will be included in the timetables that will be sent to students shortly.

In order to welcome you in the best conditions, you must strictly respect the following instructions (failure to do so may result in penalties):

– Mandatory signature of the health protocol;
– You must wear a mask in all buildings (classrooms + internal and external common areas);
– Respect social distancing of at least one meter between yourself and others;
– Avoid entering staff offices. Instead, remain in the doorway to discuss with them;
– Please leave the campus as soon as your day of courses is over;
– Respect the necessary hygiene protocol: wash your hands regularly, cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, greet others without any physical contact (any hugging/kissing/shaking hands is prohibited).
– Respect the traffic direction indicated in passageways, such as stairs, and pay attention to the signs present in all of the common areas and classrooms.

If you experience symptoms or have been in contact with an infected person:

– Do not come to the campus
– Stay home and contact your general practitioner
– Send an email to your Studies Officer in case of a confirmed contamination

IÉSEG is committed to making the following available on its campuses:

– Water and soap to wash your hands as much as possible
– Hydroalcoholic gel or disinfectant gel
– Disinfectant wipes in classrooms
– Specific trashcans to throw away tissues, masks, gloves, wipes

Please note that cleaning/disinfection will be strongly reinforced within the School.

Best regards,

Jean-Philippe Ammeux, Dean, and Caroline Roussel, Vice Dean