
20 permanent professors and postdoctoral researchers of 15 different nationalities join IÉSEG at the start of the 2024 academic year

For the start of the 2024 – 2025 academic year, IÉSEG is successfully closing a new faculty recruitment campaign. As of September 1st, 17 professors with a research mission, 3 postdoctoal researchers, 2 Professors of Practice and 1 Teaching Fellow are joining IÉSEG’s faculty on its Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses.

Once again this year, IÉSEG’s recruitment campaign was highly selective. The School once again demonstrated its attractiveness and the relevance of its strategy by attracting top-level candidates despite a highly competitive global job market. Recruitment ads recorded almost 24,000 views and over 1,500 applications were received.

As of September 1, 2024, IÉSEG faculty now comprises 208 full-time professors with a research mission. Over 84% are international professors, representing no fewer than 54 different nationalities.

Aligned with the School’s Vision and strategy, and carrying out joint research and teaching activities, IÉSEG’s professors work in a truly interdisciplinary way to inspire students and companies, connect the whole of its rich ecosystem and support the environmental, social and economic transformation of organizations and society. That’s why IÉSEG allocates almost 20% of its current budget (just over €20 million) to research activities every year.

Coming from Canada, Belgium, Portugal, Romania, Ukraine, Pakistan, Armenia, China, India, Iran and Venezuela, these new professors have been selected from around the world (representing 15 different nationalities).
They all hold PhDs from world leading institutions (Imperial College, University of Cambridge, Texas A&M University, Vienna University of Economics & Business, Gent University, KU Leuven and Trinity College of Dublin), and will strengthen the School’s 10 teaching and research departments.

IÉSEG thus welcomes for this new academic year (by department):

“Accounting” Department
– Xixi ZHANG

“Economics and Quantitative Methods” Department

“Finance” Department
– Hamid BABAEI
– Carmela D’AVINO
– Suwan LONG

“Innovation, Entrepreneurship et Information Systems” Department
– Kristof DECOCK

Languages” Department
– Brendan OREGAN

“Management and Society” Department
– Adrien BILLIET

“Marketing and Sales” Department
– Dorian FLOREA
– Romain FRANCK
– Mariia KOVAL
– Matheus MENEZES

“Operations Management” Department
– Luis Fernando PEREZ ARMAS, postdoctoral researcher*
– Pascal THALIN
– Niteesh YADAV

“People & Organizations” Department
– Nasib DAR, postdoctoral researcher

The School is also pleased to announce that Xiajie YI, previously a postdoctoral researcher at IÉSEG, has recently become a permanent professor of Operations Management in this department.
Luis Fernando PEREZ ARMAS previously was a PhD student.