CRÉENSO Prize: IÉSEG School of Management and Fondation Ceetrus pour l’Entrepreneur Social reveal the winners of the 10th edition
On May 12, 2021, the Fondation Ceetrus, managed by Nhood France, and IÉSEG School of Management awarded four prizes for the CRÉENSO* national social entrepreneurship competition, which celebrates its 10th anniversary, during an online event. Bio Demain – a North of France start-up, which launched a fair trade food brand to help farmers to switch to organic cultivation, won the 1st Prize.
This prize aims to reward the creators of social enterprises in two ways:
- A year of support from an IÉSEG Master student: during the academic year, the student supports and accompanies the founder of a winning social enterprise in one of the main domains of their program: marketing/communication, audit and control, human resources, management, etc. This is part of a graded module for the Grande Ecole Program at IÉSEG.
- At the end of the year of support, the Fondation Ceetrus pour l’Entrepreneur Social awards €25,000 to the four projects selected by the jury.
Of the 60 or so applications received for this edition, 14 entrepreneurs were selected in October 2020 to benefit throughout the year from the support of an IÉSEG student. On May 12, 2021, a jury made up of around 10 experts deliberated online to select the best four projects.
The winners of the 2021 CRÉENSO Prize are the following:
- The first prize, €10,000, was awarded to Bio Demain, start-up founded by Maxime DURAND et Stéphane DELEBASSÉ,
based out of Lomme (59). For a farmer, switching to organic takes time (almost three years) and is costly (its production decreases strongly while he needs to invest in labour, training and material). Bio Demain helps these farmers in transition period by buying their products at a fair price and reselling them to the consumer by promoting the conversion process).
The second prize, €7,000, was awarded to Sloli (Roubaix – North of France) created by Morgane DE VILLERS and François-Xavier POULAIN. To awaken children to nature, the brand has developed wooden games, activity books and books 100% made in France using natural and ecological materials, respectful of the planet and children’s health, adopting a Zero Waste approach.
- The third prize, €5,000, was awarded to Circul’egg (Anthony – Ile-de-France), founded by Yacine KABECHE. In a circular
economy approach, Circul’Egg reuses eggshells at the end of the factory by transforming them into two new products : a calcium carbonate powder and an eggshell membrane powder. These products are then sold on the animal feed market and the nutraceuptical market.
Finally, the jury’s special prize (‘le prix coup de cœur’) went to Tirelires d’Avenir (Paris), launched by Louis FALGA and Benoit FLOQUET. Tirelires d’Avenir provides financial help to young adults who have no ties with their families and no resources, often coming from the « l’Aide Sociale à l’Enfance » homes. This helps protects them from extreme fragility that would cause them to drop out and fall into exclusion from society.
The Fondation Ceetrus for Social Entrepreneurship and IÉSEG School of Management invite you to the 2021-2022 edition of the CRÉENSO Prize! All the information, important dates and application forms are available on the website.
* Prix national du Créateur d’une Entreprise Sociale – More information about the CRÉENSO prize (in French)