
Profile of two start-ups in the IÉSEG incubator

Each year, the IÉSEG incubator provides a selected number of new start-ups with dedicated space and support to grow and develop their start-ups both in Lille & Paris. The start-ups are provided with free professional guidance and support from a wide variety of academic and professional experts from within the School and outside.

Amongst the companies currently in the incubator are EASE and Citron Macaron, both of which have been founded by IÉSEG students/alumni.


Set up by Victor Nivet et Benjamin Prigent, in collaboration with students from engineering and computing schools, EASE is an online platform which allows users to access  their different websites/online services without having to enter password/or username.

At the beginning of their development they target their service at the academic sector, as it enables students to access the different online services within a university or school (email, e-learning, extranet etc) which often function on different platforms. Students are also able to add access to different ‘personal’ applications (such as social networks and also tools such as Dropbox, Trello).  In the second phase of the company’s development they plan to approach the corporate sector.

More information about EASE can be found on this website:

elenaCitron Macaron, a brand of childrens’ clothing made from organic cotton, is the brainchild of  IÉSEG graduate, Eléna Boulvard

Ever since I was a child, I had dreamed of launching my own brand of childrens’ clothes. This is why I decided to come to IÉSEG to learn  about different elements of business and management and more specifically about running my own business,” she explains.

After carrying out internships in clothing stores, and gaining experience with eco- friendly fashion brands, she decided to launch on her own brand, Citron Macaron. The line of clothes, made from organic cotton,  are designed to be bright, fun and practical ( as they are reversible and interchangeable).

More information is available on the Citron Macaron website.

Visit the incubator facebook page for news from the Incubator.

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