Solidarity-oriented team projects at IÉSEG
IÉSEG has numerous student-led clubs and associations covering a wide range of areas: business, social or humanitarian issues, sports, culture etc. These enable our students to be involved in team projects, to learn about taking responsibility, network with the professional world, to reveal their talents, or simply carry out a sporting activity.
In parallel, all 2nd year students of the Grande École program must take part in the “solidarity-oriented team projects.”
The educational goal of these projects is to develop creativity and imagination, team work and planning (eg budgets), the capacity to communicate to an external public, while addressing humanitarian/charity-focused objectives.
This year, there are more than 70 solidarity projects this year in Lille and Paris, which work in areas such as health, culture, art, education, assistance to disadvantaged children in France and abroad.
Here are just some examples of different current projects:
•”Defil’Cancer” focuses on developing public awareness of breast cancer notably with the organization of a fashion show.
•”Brev’Aide” creates links between schoolchildren and (Higher education) students through different activities including tutoring, cultural trips.
•”Cassez la Graine” gives IÉSEG students the opportunity to buy baskets of vegetables and fruits. The association supports organic and local agriculture, and also aims to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy balanced diet.
•”Hors Norme” raises awareness about physical handicaps amongst primary school children, through parasports.
•”Union d’artistes” aims to help children in social care/housing through recreational activities.
•”Yes’Poir” works with children with serious illnesses at the Children’s Hospital of Margency.