
Alice Wachtmeister

Master in International Business / Promo 2020

Senior Marketing Executive, WOLVERINE WORLDWIDE


I studied Marketing at the University of Kent and worked for one year at Nike in the Communications sector. Because of its great reputation, international dimension and commitment to sustainability, I chose IÉSEG. I felt that it would be a great addition to my existing Marketing background, as to better understand how it fits in the wider business context on an international level.

I really appreciated the professors’ level of teaching and engagement. It was also great working with other students that were as dedicated and passionate to learn, I definitely made some life-long friendships! Project Management was one of my preferred courses, the professor had a great methodology for teaching the subject and really getting the students engaged.

Coming to France, the environment and cultural scene as well as the international cuisine that existed, were some of my favourite elements. I also have family here, so it was a great way to reconnect with them and spend more time together.

One of my favourite moments was the first week at the School, getting to know all the other students through parties, dinners and get togethers!

I now work as a Senior Marketing Executive in an American footwear company, it is exactly what I have aspired to do. Marketing has always been my passion, as I see myself as someone very creative, yet strategic. In a few years I would like to start my own business, preferably in the health and fitness sector.

My advice to future students would be to be open and attentive to opportunities, networking and getting to know people is one of the best ways in which you can establish yourself professionally! Whether it is with students or professors.

In the end, the level of teaching, combined with being in the heart of Paris and surrounded by other individuals that are equally as driven and motivated was an amazing experience.

Published on: July 28, 2022