
Cyril VIAL

Grande École Program / Promo 2019

Account Manager Team Manager, PAPERNEST


I am a graduate of the IÉSEG Grande École program. I remember two elements that particularly impressed me during my studies: the international aspect of the School that I found with the international students in our courses and via a one-year exchange in Chile; and the possibility of combining an associative experience with the courses to develop yourself by getting practical experience.

IÉSEG trains changemakers. To be a changemaker is to take a step back from your daily actions to identify how it can be improved and continually create value (value that makes sense). This is an important concept that needs to be ingrained in every mind, both in the professional and personal world. An ideal manager is a person who knows how to adapt to the people in front of him/her, who is a good listener and a driving force to help his/her teams to improve their skills/performance. He or she is a conductor who does everything possible to help his or her teams accomplish their missions, whether it be through the creation of tools/training or the sharing and development of their ideas to support clients.

The elements that helped me the most at IÉSEG were the compulsory/recommended internships and the support in structuring my career path with the Talent courses (a special thanks to Emmanuel Zecchini who, thanks to his experience, was able to share with me relevant and wise advice)

I joined the start-up papernest (FT120) in January 2020. This company offers free of charge to individuals who are moving to manage their energy and gas contracts, their internet box contract and their home insurance for their new home.

I am currently in charge of the Account Manager team on the French market. This represents 40 people divided into 7 different teams. Our objective is simple: to support our B2B partners in using the papernest service. We focus on 3 main areas which are customer satisfaction, revenue generation and maintaining the use of the service after the acquisition stage by the Sales.

Published on: April 29, 2022