
Khitab Jaisinghani

Khitab Jaisinghani

MSc in International Business


Before coming to IÉSEG, I was a Financial Services Consultant in Dubai. After working in the Financial Services industry for several years, I decided that I wanted to change (sector) and do my postgraduate studies in Business.

I chose IÉSEG because of its variety in programs. The MIB was a perfect choice for me.

I enjoyed the multicultural environment at IÉSEG, along with the diversity of my fellow students. The professors also had very international backgrounds, coming from around the world, enabling them to give us their best approach towards their specialization.

I particularly enjoyed the Advanced Financial Statement Analysis, International Economics and International Business Strategy courses. The Business Game enabled us to put everything we learned throughout the program to a practical use.

I will be looking to pursue a career in a business consulting company in Europe that focuses on profit maximization, business strategy, and change management.

Published on: November 28, 2018