
Laura Lentiez
MSc in International Business Negotiation, 2016
After having completed a Master I in Marketing and International Relations in Paris, I decided to come to IÉSEG. I had already gained some experience in international business and relations but I felt that developing my negotiation skills would be extremely valuable for my career as we need to use these skills everywhere in life. I was also attracted by IÉSEG’s modern Paris campus in the largest business centre in Europe and the multicultural learning environment.
I have found all of the courses interesting in particular those in mediation, negotiation skills practices and multiparty negotiations. The practitioners’ series were also very interesting and useful for building a network of contacts for the future. All in all, I feel that I’m continuously learning new things both from professors and my fellow students.
After my Master of Science in International Business Negociation, I plan to work for an NGO, or for the government, but I’m also interested in working for agencies specializing in mediation consultancy.
Published on: March 14, 2016