
Siddhant Chauhan
Master in Big Data Analytics for Business / Promo 2019
Sr. Business Intelligence Engineer, AMAZON
Working in ATOS as a Data Consultant without a degree in analytics had a lot of challenges. Having understood the business problems and working with real-life datasets, I soon realized that there was a need for me to pursue an intensive Data Analytics course to help deepen my knowledge. Attending one of the seminars of the Academic Director and discussing the course curriculum made me certain to choose IÉSEG and its Master in Big Data Analytics for Business. Alongside the regular curriculum, I also got the opportunity to work with a professor on a research paper testing a hypothesis in Machine learning.
The Master in Big Data Analytics for Business was the perfect blend of theoretical & industrial exposure with intensive tests/assignments, challenging students at every step. Forecasting and Statistical Machine learning courses helped me realize how to approach the problem statement and types of dataset. Understanding Math is good but applying the right Math in the right place is the key to success.
Lille is a small city with many universities and students, it gives an energetic vibe. At IÉSEG, being a member of a club (IÉSEG Dance in my case) helps learning about the French culture especially for international students.
In the end, what I retain from the program is that “the best data scientist is not the one who only understands the data or brings insights, but acquiring the quality of a storyteller helps you go miles ahead.”
Currently, I am working as a Senior Business Intelligence Engineer at Amazon, working on various projects like forecasting, inventory placement, etc. and the courses from IÉSEG have guided me well to better approach all of this. The field of Data science is very vast and keeping up with the fast-growing technology and methods is really important to sustain a good career growth. Being a student at IÉSEG, one learns the most important lesson in life – « If you never stop learning, you never stop growing. Be curious about everything!
Published on: June 22, 2022