In 2021/2022, IÉSEG is:

More than 7 000 students.
1 200 students on university exchange programs abroad.
1 300 internships abroad.

More than 700 professors.
175 permanent professors and 21 Teaching & Research Assistants from 48 different countries.
90 visiting professors.
More than 500 Adjunct professors.
81% of the permanent academic staff are foreign, 100% of the permanent academic staff hold a PhD.

2 campuses: the Lille Campus with 34 000 m2 surface area in modern buildings in the heart of the city, and the Paris Campus.

323 partner universities in 76 countries.
1 research laboratory (IÉSEG Research) associated with UMR-CNRS (LEM-CNRS UMR 9221), the French National Center for Scientific Research.
Over 12 000 alumni.
Over 2 500 company partners (including internships, presence on the professional advisory boards at IÉSEG, etc)
2021IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business obtains Ministry recognition “Grade de Licence”.
2020IÉSEG has been awarded the « Welcome to France » Certification Label by Campus France.
2019IÉSEG School of Management renewed AMBA accréditation for 5 more years.IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business obtains Ministry recognition (Visa, BAC + 3)IÉSEG launches joint PhD program with top international research university, KU LeuvenLaunch of 2 new Executive Mastères spécialisés® : Executive Program in Commercial Management and Business Development and Executive Program in Marketing and Digitalization
2018IÉSEG School of Management earns EQUIS accreditation for 5 more years.IÉSEG School of Management earns AACSB accreditation for 5 more years.
2017Opening of a new building in the Defense district: la Promenade de l’Arche.Launch of the Master as apprenticeship « Digital Marketing et Innovation ».
2016IÉSEG School of Management earns AMBA accreditation.
2015IÉSEG School of Management earns EQUIS accreditation for 3 more years.Launch of 3 new MSc programs (Investment Banking & Capital Markets, Big Data Analytics for Business and International Business Negotiation)Launch of a Bachelor in International Business (BIB).Launch of the VISION 2015 process: « Empowering Changemakers for a better society ».
2014The Advanced MIB (post experience) is redesigned as an International MBA.Launch of four new MSc programs (Digital Marketing & CRM, Business Analysis and Consulting, Finance, Accounting Audit & Control).
2013IÉSEG School of Management is awarded AACSB accreditation for highest standards in management education.Launch of a new MSc program in Fashion Management.
2012IÉSEG School of Management is awarded EQUIS accreditation.
2010Launch of the International Summer Academy on the Paris campus.
2009After one year in temporary premises, IÉSEG opens a campus located in “La Grande Arche”, Paris, La Défense. Launch of an “apprenticeship section” in the Master cycle of the Grande École programme.The total number of students exceeds 2,000. First corporate chair with Société Générale and Adecco.
2004IÉSEG founds its International Advisory Board.
The total number of students exceeds 1,000. Together with the Université Catholique de Lille, IÉSEG launches a second fundraising campaign (€10 million) following the success of the first one, which raised more than €5 million.First twinning programmes with Loyola College (India).
2003Renewal of governmental accreditation of the degree, which also receives the grade de master. Launch of the Master of International Business.
2002The IÉSEG Grande École program is redesigned for compatibility with the Bologna system. All courses of the MSc in Management are taught in English.
1997IÉSEG becomes a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
1993The total number of students exceeds 500.
1985IÉSEG becomes an institutional partner of a research center associated with the French National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS). Accreditation of the IÉSEG degree by the French Ministry of Higher Education.
1976Official recognition of IÉSEG by the French Ministry of Higher Education.
1964IÉSEG is founded in Lille.