Inspire, Connect, Transform
This new strategic plan is the result of a long process of co-creation that lasted more than a year and involved the entire IÉSEG community: academic and administrative teams, students, graduates and partners from the socio-economic world.
This plan is deeply anchored in the values and Vision of the School.
As an institution of higher education, IÉSEG has a responsibility in terms of knowledge creation, research and innovation. Inspiring young people by disseminating research in teaching, inspiring companies by co-constructing solutions with them to address their key challenges is therefore essential and is a fundamental part of the School’ s mission. By connecting its very rich ecosystem, composed of its students and participants in executive education, graduates, companies and organizations, IÉSEG intends to become a hub of collective intelligence at the service of entrepreneurship and innovation to respond together to today’s challenges. This response must not be purely theoretical but must be anchored in the environmental, social and economic transformation of organizations and society.
Being a major player in this societal transformation is IÉSEG’s ambition for the coming years.
A strategic plan built around 5 major orientations
Anchored in solid fundamentals and displaying a new ambition, IÉSEG will develop 5 major strategic orientations to:
> To propose an engaging student learning experience
> To become an interdisciplinary hub, integrating AI and humanities - CONNECT
> To develop an entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem
> To be an intercultural, diverse and inclusive community - TRANSFORM
> To reinforce the systemic and global approach to sustainability
A strategic plan built around 5 major orientations:

1. To propose an engaging student learning experience
In this post-pandemic context and taking into account the changing expectations of students with regard to their studies, IÉSEG will continue to develop its teaching and learning strategy focusing on the balance between knowledge, know-how and personal development, cutting-edge teaching content, adaptable delivery and experiential learning.
Caring for people is at the heart of IÉSEG’s values, which therefore places its students at the core of its teaching and learning project to help them discover themselves, to grow and find their place in society. This personalized attention will be reinforced with the aim of further engaging students, faculty and administrative staff in the learning experience.

2. To become an interdisciplinary hub, integrating AI and humanities
As societal challenges are complex, there is a need for education and research that uses an interdisciplinary approach, so they can be addressed from different subject perspectives: philosophy, sociology, geopolitics, economics, data sciences and AI.

3. To develop an innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem
Thanks to the School’s interdisciplinary approach, IÉSEG’s students will be well equipped to experiment, test, learn and become entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs. The skills developed through entrepreneurial experiences including creativity, responsibility, problem solving, critical thinking, are all key for leading and managing in an uncertain and fast-moving environment.
With this new strategic plan, the School wants to speed up the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem by working with its alumni network to foster innovation and transformation, including sustainability-related transformation. This ecosystem will have a local and global impact.

4. To be an intercultural, diverse and inclusive community
Understanding how to collaborate with others, how to interact within diverse groups, and how to inspire a multicultural team are fundamental competences in today’s world.
This means not only understanding one’s own way of working, studying and interacting but also recognizing and respecting diversity in order to advance cultural intelligence and thereby build an inclusive community.

5. To reinforce the systemic and global approach to sustainability
IÉSEG has a systemic and voluntaristic approach to sustainability. This includes raising staff and student awareness regarding grand challenges such as climate change. This global approach concerns all the School’s activities.
The School positions itself as a responsible organization contributing to the reflection and debates on sustainability with its ecosystem, companies, public authorities, NGOs; and creating a diverse and inclusive environment for its community.
Caroline ROUSSEL
Dean, IÉSEG School of Management
“This strategic plan is firmly anchored in IÉSEG’s DNA – academic excellence, proximity to companies, internationalization. It is also the proof of a strong ambition: to be the central player in French and international Higher Education, which plays a key educational role, and also much more. Our ambition is to take part in the transformation of society, with regards to major environmental, social and economic issues. This new chapter in IÉSEG’s history is rooted in solid fundamentals for a renewed ambition.”
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