Press Releases and Articles

September 2024 – IÉSEG stands out as a key player in higher education and looks forward to the next stage of its strategic plan

Halfway through its 2022 – 2027 Strategic Plan “Inspire – Connect – Transform”, IÉSEG has already achieved very positive results. The School has had many successes and moments of pride thanks to the commitment of all its stakeholders and significant investments (around €100 million).

In a world shaken to its core by the emergence of generative AIs which are transforming the way we learn and work, as well as by an unstable political, economic, social and societal context, and while stagnating demography will impact French higher education, IÉSEG is focusing on its main contribution to society, on its core business: to empower responsible changemakers for a better society.

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September 2024 – 20 permanent professors of 15 different nationalities join IÉSEG at the start of the 2024 academic year

For the start of the 2024 – 2025 academic year, IÉSEG is successfully closing a new faculty recruitment campaign. As of September 1st, 17 professors with a research mission, 3 postdoctoal researchers, 2 Professors of Practice and 1 Teaching Fellow are joining IÉSEG’s faculty on its Lille and Paris-La Défense campuses.

As of September 1, 2024, IÉSEG faculty now comprises 208 full-time professors with a research mission. Over 84% are international professors, representing no fewer than 54 different nationalities.

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June 2024 – IÉSEG launches an innovative Career Bootcamp : “Master Your Future”

In May 2024, IÉSEG held its first Career Bootcamp entitled “Master Your Future” on its two campuses: Lille and Paris-La Défense. This unprecedented event brought together over 1,000 students in the Master cycle of the Grande École Program, with the aim of preparing them for a successful transition to the professional world.

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May 2024 – IÉSEG partners with CentraleSupélec to offer students 3 new double degrees

IÉSEG continues to implement its 2022-2027 strategic plan by announcing the signature of a partnership with CentraleSupélec. This partnership will enable the school to enhance the interdisciplinary focus of its Grande École Program by drawing on the expertise of a prestigious institution recognized both in France and internationally in its teaching fields.
Thanks to this partnership with CentraleSupélec, IÉSEG will be able to offer its students in the Grande École Program (PGE) Master’s cycle three new double degrees, as of September 2024.

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May 2024 – Generative AI: IÉSEG adopts a systemic approach to raise awareness, train and support its teams, students and stakeholders

Text, image, video, voice, computer programming: generative AI tools are increasingly powerful and their use is booming, penetrating all professions and all sectors.
Immediately aware of the profound economic and educational implications of these technologies, IÉSEG got to grips with the subject. The aim was to identify the opportunities and challenges that generative AI would bring to teaching and learning practices, as well as the many opportunities it would bring to all staff, both academic and administrative.
The School has adopted a very concrete, systemic approach involving all teams: raising awareness to tame the technology, then testing to discover, training to improve and master it, and finally widespread adoption wherever possible.

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May 2024 – Welcome Account wins the 2024 Créenso Prize

The Créenso Prize (National Prize for the Founder of a Social Company), founded by IÉSEG and the Ceetrus Foundation, aims to create a link between the academic world and the business world, to support the success of young companies that emphasize the human and social dimension in their objectives rather than the financial dimension, while encouraging the emergence of a new generation of entrepreneurs, particularly within IÉSEG.
The 2024 Créenso Prize, worth €25,000, was awarded to Welcome Account. The « Coup de Cœur du Jury » Prize, worth €5,000, was awarded to SEM Habitat Durable.

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May 2024 – Discover the 2022-2023 Impact Report – « Act for a better society”

Discover IÉSEG’s 2022-2023 Impact Report, a report which illustrates the School’s daily commitment to sustainable development and social impact through its four pillars: Transition Pedagogy, Environmental impact on the School’s operations, Impact Research and Partnerships, and finally Diversity, Inclusion and Well-Being.
This report summarizes the key initiatives, the innovative projects, the strategic partnerships, the commitment of the School’s employees, students and alumni and IÉSEG’s key CSR performance indicators.

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April 2024 – Agathe MONPAYS and Ophélie VANBREMEERSCH, 2 IÉSEG graduates on the Forbes “30 Under 30” list

Every year, Forbes France rewards the rising stars of the French entrepreneurial ecosystem with its 30 Under 30 ranking. Each award winner represents a new generation of leaders, creators, artists and athletes under the age of thirty, each revolutionizing their own sector and breathing new life into fields undergoing rapid technological change.
This year, 2 IÉSEG graduates have been named for the prestigious “Forbes 30 Under 30” list: Agathe MONPAYS, Managing Director of Leroy Merlin France, and Ophélie VANBREMEERSCH, founder of Lunettes de Zac.

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March 2024 – Christophe CATOIR, a 1995 IÉSEG graduate and Global President of Adecco, takes over from Marc DELOZANNE as Chairman of IÉSEG’s Board of Trustees

IÉSEG is proud to announce that Mr. Christophe CATOIR has been appointed Chairman of its Board of Trustees as of March 27, 2024. Christophe CATOIR, who is currently Global President of Adecco, graduated from IÉSEG in 1995 and has been a member of the School’s Board of Trustees since 2009. He has made employability a key priority in education and training.
This announcement comes at a time when Marc DELOZANNE, President of ADEO France Enterprises, decided to hand over his duties as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, after a dedicated commitment since 2011. He will continue to support IÉSEG by remaining an administrator of the School.

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March 2024 – Julia VANLERBERGHE wins the 2024 ICOR Award with her thesis on fast fashion and Generation Z

The ICOR Award for the best student thesis in the fields of organizational ethics, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability is awarded every year by IÉSEG and its Center of Excellence for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR). Julia VANLERBERGHE is rewarded for her thesis entitled “Understanding Gen Z’s slow fashion consumption: A value-attitude-behavior approach”.

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March 2024 – IÉSEG signs long-term partnership with Télémaque to fight for equal opportunities in education

While education and teaching are the first vectors of success and must enable everyone to fulfill their potential and find their role in society, socio-economic disparities have never been so high in France and have weighed heavily on access to quality education for all. IÉSEG has thus decided to become even more involved in the fight for equal opportunities in education by making a 3-year commitment to Télémaque. This partnership will make IÉSEG a major player in equal opportunities for secondary schools in the regions where it operates.

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February 2024 – Discover “Engage to transform – Managers and HR managers, co-producers of a new human function”, Bernard COULATY’s latest book

A recognized expert in HR engagement and transformation strategies, Bernard COULATY offers solutions to rethink a human function better shared between managers and HR managers, transformative for organizations and people and creating commitment for all. The proposed model is intended to be innovative, for a transformative human function better shared between influential HR experts and leaders who create commitment. He also carries out an in-depth review of the strategic elements of individual, managerial, organizational transformations and those of the HR function itself.

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February 2024 – Lorena ZANELLI is appointed Director of International Relations at IÉSEG

As of March 1, Lorena ZANELLI is appointed IÉSEG’s Director of International Relations and becomes a member of the School’s Management Board. She succeeds Antonio GIANGRECO who, in addition to his duties as Director of International Programs, becomes Director of Accreditations.
Lorena ZANELLI’s objectives will be to boost the international appeal of the School’s network of partner universities and its international joint programs, and to further develop the School’s “Internationalization @Home” strategy.

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February 2024 – IÉSEG launches specific statuses for Entrepreneurial Students and Top-Level Athlets to provide better support for these students

To enable those students to make the most of their double experience (that of an IÉSEG student as well as that of an entrepreneur or top-level athlete), which is precisely their greatest asset, IÉSEG established a specific status for these two categories of students in September 2023. They now benefit from special arrangements and regular personalized support throughout the year.

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January 2024 – HEC Montréal, IÉSEG and Rabat Business School innovate and launch together the International Triple Bachelor in Business

In order to offer an ever richer multicultural learning experience in an international environment, HEC Montréal, IÉSEG School of Management and Rabat Business School, three prestigious institutions whose excellence is recognized in the best international rankings, have decided to launch together an International Triple Bachelor in Business, which will grant students a triple degree at the end of their studies. It will officially open in September 2024.

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January 2024 – IÉSEG reinforces its partnerships in Africa by launching a joint program with Prépa Saint-Jean in Douala (Cameroon)

IÉSEG’s objective is to develop a co-construction process with its African partners to offer high-quality academic programs that respond to local needs while providing students with international opportunities.
In 2022, IÉSEG signed an even more committed partnership with Prépa Saint-Jean, a Higher Education institution located in Douala (Cameroon). A joint program has been set up to facilitate the admission and integration of Cameroonian students into IÉSEG.

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January 2024 – Financial Times Responsible Business Education Award: IÉSEG wins the ‘Best Schools’ Award!

IÉSEG wins the Financial Times Responsible Business Education Awards on the category ‘Best business school demonstrating system-wide responsible business principles integrated throughout teaching, research, operations, and student outcomes’.
The School is also selected in the highly commended institutions on the category ‘Best responsible teaching resources: innovative materials with a financial sustainability focus’ for its Transition 2026 initiative.

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January 2024 – A safe bet for 60 years based on solid values… IÉSEG celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2024!

2024 is a special year for IÉSEG, as it celebrates its 60th anniversary. 60 years of innovation, solidarity and achievements, 60 years of commitment from all the teams working closely with students, to prepare them every day to become tomorrow’s changemakers in an ever-changing world.
To mark the occasion, several special activities will be offered to students, professors, administrative staff, graduates and the School’s partners, culminating in the inauguration of the new buildings on the Lille campus in April 2024.

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December 2023 – IÉSEG is ranked 2nd in France in the 2023 “Case Centre Impact Index”

The Case Centre Impact Index is a new annual ranking launched as part of The Case Centre’s 50th anniversary celebration. Founded in 1973 by 22 higher education institutions, who wanted a reliable facility for sharing case materials among business professors, The Case Centre is now firmly rooted in the heart of the case community as the independent home of the case method.
Since 2022, The Case Centre has received 69 new cases for distribution from IÉSEG authors. Over the period, 66 cases from IÉSEG were sold to 56 organizations in 23 countries and were taught to 3,186 non-IÉSEG students. These figures thus ranks IÉSEG as the 2nd French organization and 23rd worldwide in this Impact Index.

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November 2023 – The Master in International Business – IÉSEG’s first Specialized Master – celebrates its 20th anniversary

In the early 2000s, IÉSEG had just one campus, in Lille, and offered only one program, the Grande École Program. The School entered a phase of fast-paced development during this period. In 2003, the first Specialized Master, the Master in International Business, was created. Antonio GIANGRECO, former Academic Director of this program and now Director of International Programs, looks back at the launch, the evolution over the past 20 years and the challenges ahead.

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November 2023 – Discover the winners of the 5th edition of the IÉSEG Teaching Awards

In 2019, IÉSEG launched the Teaching Awards to recognize and reward teachers who have contributed significantly to improving the quality of teaching and learning at the School. The Teaching Excellence Awards recognize professors who embody IÉSEG’s ambitious standards of teaching and learning, as well as their day-to-day commitment to students.

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November 2023 – IÉSEG announces appointments within its Management Board

To better reflect the strategic priorities and the key development areas of the School, IÉSEG has decided to restructure its Management Board and announces the appointments of Lies BOUTEN as Head of Research and of Manon DUHEM as Brand & Communications Director.

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October 2023 – IÉSEG launches a new apprenticeship program : « Data Analytics and Visualization » in September 2024

As a priority area of development for the School, and as part of its 2022-2027 strategic plan, IÉSEG is expanding its range of apprenticeship programs offered in the Master’s cycle of its Grande École Program and will launch, at the beginning of the next academic year (2024-2025), a new track entitled “Data Analytics and Visualization”, co-developed with Le Wagon, one of the world’s leading coding and data schools, which has trained 22,000 people in Tech professions since 2013.

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October 2023 – IÉSEG in the top 3 of the ChangeNOW / Les Echos Start ranking of schools most committed to environmental and social transition

For the 3rd year in a row, Les Echos Start and ChangeNOW have published a ranking of the business schools that are most committed to the ecological and social transition. Out of the 26 schools that took part this year, IÉSEG moved up one place to 3rd position on the podium.

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October 2023 – IÉSEG expands its portfolio of Specialized Masters and launches the Master in Cybersecurity Management in September 2024

As cyber threats increase, organizations need business-oriented specialists with cybersecurity knowledge. To adress companies’ need for these hybrid (both Tech and Management) profiles, IÉSEG will therefore launch the Master in Cybersecurity Management in September 2024. This Master delivers up-to-date knowledge for organizational leaders to excel in the governance and management of their IT risk, security, and compliance responsibilities.

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October 2023 – Discover Élodie GENTINA’s new book: “Managing Generation Z”, published by Dunod

“Generation Z” are those young people born between 1995 and 2016. They now represent almost a third of the world’s population, and the oldest have recently begun to enter the job market. This generation expresses strong expectations and concerns (environmental, ecological, social, etc.), which are very different from the previous generations. Many companies therefore struggle to understand, attract and retain these young talents. Taht’s why Élodie GENTINA, professor at IÉSEG and expert of the GenZ, has written this book: “Managing Generation Z – Better understanding their new behaviors“, published by Dunod (in French only).

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August 2023 – IÉSEG appoints Coline BRIQUET as Head of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Creating a diverse and inclusive environment that promotes the well-being of all is one of the 4 piliars of the School’s CSR strategy, and one of the major orientations of the 2022-2027 strategic plan. In order to actively support the diverse IÉSEG community and create an environment where everyone feels included and valued, IÉSEG decide to create the position of “Head of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion”, which was proposed to Coline BRIQUET.

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August 2023 – IÉSEG and RUBIKA strengthen their collaboration by signing a global partnership, integrating teaching, research and entrepreneurship

Following the recent announcement of the launch of a Bachelor’s degree in Management & Tech Design in September 2024, IÉSEG and RUBIKA have stepped up their collaboration by signing a global partnership agreement. This will enable them to carry out joint teaching and research activities, support the entrepreneurial projects of students and graduates from both institutions and share best practices to improve the student experience.

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July 2023 – IÉSEG renews its EQUIS accreditation for 5 years, the maximum duration

With the renewal of its EQUIS accreditation for 5 years, the maximum duration, IÉSEG reaffirms its place in the prestigious circle of Grandes Écoles holding the “Triple Crown” (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA). This reaccreditation validates the relevance of the School’s strategic choices and acknowledges the academic quality of the School at the level of the highest international academic standards.

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June 2023 – IÉSEG has been granted the Sustainable Development and Societal Responsibility Label for Higher Education for 4 years

The DD&RS Label – Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility – was created in 2015. Being rewarded with this Label for a duration of 4 years is a fair recognition of the relevance and impact of the School’s CSR strategy, which covers the entire spectrum of the School’s activities, and which is one of the cornerstones of IÉSEG’s 2022-2027 strategic plan.

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May 2023 – IÉSEG and the Ceetrus Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs reward the 2023 Créenso Prize winners

On May 23, 2023, IÉSEG and the Ceetrus Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs rewarded the winners of the 2023 Créenso Prize. This National Prize dedicated to social entrepreneurs aims to reward and promote the innovative and economically viable projects of men and women who created social businesses or start-ups.

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April 2023 – IÉSEG launches a new research chair in partnership with the National Association of Financial and Management Control Directors

The aim of this research chair entitled “CFO and Sustainable Transformation” is to support Financial Directors and Management Controllers in addressing the major socio-economic issues of tomorrow so that they can contribute in depth to the transformation of their institution’s business models towards more sustainable and responsible trajectories.

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April 2023 – IÉSEG and RUBIKA combine their expertise to launch a joint Bachelor in Management and Tech Design

RUBIKA and IÉSEG have decided to combine their expertise to create a joint Bachelor program integrating Management, Technology and Design, starting in September 2024. It will be offered on the IÉSEG campus in Lille and on the RUBIKA campus in Valenciennes. Students will also live an international experience on the RUBIKA campus in Montreal (Canada).

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March 2023 – IÉSEG sponsors the 2023 “The Economist Sustainability Week”

With this year’s theme “Empowering businesses to accelerate action on sustainability”, The Economist Sustainability Week 2023 attracts nearly 7,000 participants from all over the world. During this event, Maria Castillo, Director of Social and Environmental Impact at IÉSEG, will speak on the theme “Upskilling for a sustainable future”.

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March 2023 – Aurélia GORRET wins the 2023 ICOR Award for the best student thesis in organizational ethics, social responsibility and sustainability

The 2023 ICOR Award was awarded to Aurélia GORRET, a student in the Master Grande Ecole, for her thesis about : « Brand Activism in the Beauty and Personal care Industry : Intersectional perspectives on inclusivity and body positivism », supervised by Vassilis DALAKAS.

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March 2023 – With the “Sustainability of Business in Society” Chair, IÉSEG supports the transition of companies towards more sustainable trajectories and models

Built around 4 main areas of work, the Chair aims to establish partnerships with companies and organizations at the local, regional, national and international levels in order to develop knowledge and tools to support them in creating sustainable value and in implementing more responsible organizational processes and business models.

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January 2023 – AACSB renews IÉSEG’s accreditation for 5 years

After an exhaustive audit, IÉSEG has had its AACSB accreditation renewed for 5 years (the maximum possible duration) and confirms its status among the top schools holding the “Triple Crown” (EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA).

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January 2023 – Dataviz Challenge: IÉSEG innovates for the 3rd edition of this international data visualization challenge

Launched in 2021 as part of its Master in Apprenticeship “Financial Institutions: Risk, Compliance and Data Analytics” of the Grande Ecole Program program, IÉSEG launches the third edition of this international data visualization challenge at the start of 2023, in partnership with Cofidis Group.

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January 2023 – IÉSEG launches its MBA HUB to better meet the current challenges companies are facing

In order to respond even better to the current transformations and challenges of society and businesses, IÉSEG rethought the organization of its flagship Executive program. The School now operates an MBA HUB, consisting of an AMBA-accredited MBA program, in which each executive, manager or director can choose from three specializations (Executive, International and Leadership & Coding).

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November 2022 – IÉSEG and B Lab France sign a strategic partnership to speed up the evolution of organizations towards more sustainable models

With their shared and aligned visions and missions, this partnership aims to develop teaching and learning about sustainability, to develop research and disseminate the results, and finally to animate the networks of each through specific actions of awareness and training.

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October 2022 – IÉSEG launches a new apprenticeship program dedicated to operations and supply chain professions

As a priority area of development for the School, and as part of its new strategic plan “Inspire – Connect – Transform”, IÉSEG is expanding its range of apprenticeship programs offered in the Master’s cycle of its Grande École Program and will offer, at the beginning of the next academic year (2023-2024), a work-study program dedicated to operations and supply chain professions.

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October 2022 – Discover IÉSEG Insights, the new knowledge website developed by IÉSEG

IÉSEG launches IÉSEG Insights, a new website that has been developed to share and disseminate the results of the research and expertise of the School’s faculty. IÉSEG Insights aims to help provide keys to understanding an always changing world and to be a platform for inspiration and reflection for all.

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September 2022 – IÉSEG concludes an ambitious academic recruitment campaign to achieve the objectives of its new strategic plan

In order to implement its new strategic plan “Inspire – Connect – Transform”, IÉSEG is pleased to announce the arrival of 23 new professors with a research mission, 8 Professors of Practice, 4 Teaching Fellows and 7 postdoctoral researchers to strengthen its faculty on its campuses in Lille and Paris-La Défense.

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July 2022 – Caroline ROUSSEL, new Dean of IÉSEG as of July 1st, 2022

IÉSEG is pleased to announce the appointment of Caroline ROUSSEL as Dean of the School. She takes over from Jean-Philippe AMMEUX, who has led the institution since 1994. Her appointment is effective as of July 1, 2022. At an extraordinary meeting on September 30, 2021, the IÉSEG Board of Trustees unanimously approved this choice.

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June 2022 – IÉSEG professors recognized with awards for their research and their publications

As the academic year comes to an end, several professors have been recognized for the quality of their research and their publications in the context of different national and international awards. These awards confirm the School’s strategic choice to rely both on high-level research and teaching.

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May 2022 – IÉSEG School of Management unveils its strategic plan for 2027 : “Inspire – Connect – Transform”

IÉSEG today unveiled its new strategic plan for 2027, anchored in solid fundamentals for a renewed ambition. It is the result of a long co-creation process, which lasted more than a year and which involved the entire IÉSEG community. This strategic plan is built around 5 major orientations, to be discovered here.

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May 2022 – CRÉENSO Prize: IÉSEG and the Fondation Ceetrus pour l’Entrepreneur Social announce the winners of the 11th edition

On May 18th, 2022, IÉSEG and the Fondation Ceetrus, led and managed by Nhood France, awarded the winners of the 2022 Créenso Prize. The 2022 Créenso Prize was awarded to Pimp Your Waste while the “Jury’s Special Prize” (Prix Coup de Coeur du Jury) was won by the association “SAME”.

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April 2022 – IÉSEG redesigns its Bachelor in International Business in line with changing expectations of students and companies

In response to current job market trends and the changing expectations of students as well as companies since the introduction of this program, IÉSEG introduces significant modifications to its Bachelor concerning the structure and pedagogy of the program, its intercultural dimension and a personalized curriculum with cutting-edge specializations.

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Mars 2022 – The 7th edition of the ICOR Awards is attributed to a thesis on the ethics of artificial intelligence

Each year, IÉSEG and its Center of excellence for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR) reward the best IÉSEG student thesis in the fields of organizational ethics, societal responsibility and sustainability. Presented by Caroline ROUSSEL, Deputy Director of the School, the 2022 ICOR Award was awarded to Julia GUILLEMOT (2021 graduate of the Grande École Program) for her thesis: “The integration of ethical concerns in the development and deployment of artificially intelligent systems within technological companies. An essay on Artificial Intelligence Ethics“ (thesis director: Guillaume MERCIER).

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Mars 2022 – IÉSEG expands its campus in La Défense: 22,700 m² to enhance the student experience

Established since 2009 in La Défense, Europe’s leading business district, IÉSEG offers a dynamic campus at the heart of a professional environment. Within the framework of its student experience, responding to the evolutions generated by the health crisis and by interactive teaching methods as well as through the development of its programs, IÉSEG continues to expand its Paris campus and will have a new building by the end of 2022: ‘Les Collines de l’Arche’.

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February 2022 – IÉSEG and the Global Reporting Initiative sign a unique partnership in Europe

IÉSEG School of Management, one of Europe’s top Business Schools, and the Global Reporting Initiative, provider of the most widely used standards for sustainability reporting, announce a unique partnership for the students of the School’s new MSc in Management for Sustainability.

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February 2022 – IÉSEG launches the 2nd edition of the IÉSEG DATAVIZ CHALLENGE in partnership with Cofidis

After the success of the first edition of the DATAVIZ CHALLENGE in 2021, IÉSEG, in partnership with Cofidis, launches in January 2022 the second edition of the IÉSEG DATAVIZ CHALLENGE, the challenge in data visualization. Open to all students enrolled in a higher education institution in Europe, the IÉSEG DATAVIZ CHALLENGE will allow participants to grasp a major challenge of the banking sector: “the daily data of risk analysts”.

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January 2022 – IÉSEG launches a new ‘Executive Mastère Spécialisé®’ dedicated to transformation and human development

Given an equal level of education, high school students from working-class backgrounds are half as likely to choose selective programs as those from In a more and more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, it is becoming essential for companies that their leaders and managers develop new human skills and an agile posture to drive permanent change and deliver sustainable performance. Thus, IÉSEG has decided to launch a new ‘Executive Mastère Spécialisé®’ in Transformation and Human Development Management for the next academic year.

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December 2021 – IÉSEG is committed to equal opportunities, in partnership with Article 1

Given an equal level of education, high school students from working-class backgrounds are half as likely to choose selective programs as those from privileged backgrounds, often due to a lack of knowledge of the programs, self-censorship or lack of confidence in their abilities. Information and exchange are therefore essential elements to enable these young people to choose their career path rather than being subjected to it. True to its values (Accomplishment, Responsibility, Solidarity, Engagement), IÉSEG has signed a partnership with the association “Article 1” – a public interest association which has worked for more than 15 years for young people from working-class backgrounds, so that career orientation, success in higher education and professional integration do not depend on social, economic or cultural origins.

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November 2021 – IÉSEG launches a new MSc in Management for Sustainability

Nowadays, all companies whatever their sector, their size or their business Through its 2025 Vision, IÉSEG has given an essential place to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development (SD) in its strategy, its activities, its research and its programs. After having rethought the way CSR and SD are taught in all the programs, IÉSEG moves a step further to launch for September 2022 a new MSc specifically dedicated to CSR and SD: the MSc in Management for Sustainability.

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November 2021 – Discover IÉSEG’s MSc in Strategy and Digital Transformation

Nowadays, all companies whatever their sector, their size or their business model, face digital transformation. They all wish to implement it but they do not know how to proceed and may not have the right experts to do so. Digital transformation is thus often reduced to introducing some digital tools in existing processes, client solutions or activities. That’s why IÉSEG now offers a MSc in Strategy and Digital Transformation, which aims at equipping students with the digital technologies knowledge as well as the skills needed to design and successfully lead digital transformation across functions.

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November 2021 – 3rd edition of the Teaching Excellence Awards: IÉSEG rewards the pedagogical quality of its professors

To reward the commitment of its professors, who constantly improve their teaching materials and practices in all programs, IÉSEG created in 2019 the Teaching Excellence Awards. Discover the winners of this third edition, for which a Digital Teaching Excellence Award was specially created to highlight the use of technology in teaching and learning.

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October 2021 – Dean of IÉSEG since 1994, Jean-Philippe AMMEUX will retire at the end of the 2021-2022 academic year.

To succeed him and to continue the development of the institution, in France and internationally, the School’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved the appointment of Caroline ROUSSEL as Dean of IÉSEG School of Management upon his departure.

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August 2021 – Pedagogy: capitalizing on the effects of the health crisis to enhance the student experience

To guarantee its students the best possible learning conditions regardless of the health regulations to be respected, IÉSEG has decided to invest significantly to offer hybrid immersive teaching solutions on its campuses in Lille and Paris. This investment of around 1.5 million euros between May 2020 and August 2021 will allow for the mixing of both in-class and distance learning audiences, facilitating the involvement and interaction of these two types of audiences with each other and with the professor.

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August 2021 – High-quality programs based on rigorous research to address major societal issues

All of IÉSEG’s permanent professors carry out teaching and research activities jointly. The high quality of their work and publications, combined with the School’s international dimension, contribute to IÉSEG’s reputation and to the relevance of its research.

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August 2021 – IÉSEG welcomes 15 new permanent professors and postdoctoral researchers for the 2021/2022 academic year

IÉSEG is pleased to announce the arrival of 15 new permanent professors and postdoctoral researchers on its campuses of Lille and Paris-La Défense for this new academic year.

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July 2021 – Armelle DUJARDIN-VORILHON joins IÉSEG as Director of Studies for the Grande École program and the Bachelor in International Business

Graduated from the University of Versailles-St-Quentin-en-Yvelines in contemporary history, she brings her expertise in the optimal operational management of the programs, in the support and supervision of students during their studies at the School, and in the management and monitoring of the teaching teams.

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July 2021 – Discover Sonia LEVILLAIN’s new book : “The little toolbox of remote management”, the new book by Sonia Levillain (by Editions Dunod)

Large-scale deployment of remote management, forced by the health crisis, has thrown many unprepared managers into the deep end. This book will allow them to understand what type of remote management practice they are in and, by carrying out a diagnosis of the organization, of their managerial practice and of their team, they will be able to evaluate the supports and the obstacles to success, and to set up an effective and fulfilling management.

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June 2021 – Discover the new book by Anne JENY and Julien ONILLON: “The 12 Labors of the Financial Analyst” (in French at the Editions Pearson)

Both theoretical and practical, this book (available in French only, published by Pearson) by Anne JENY and Julien ONILLON, tells the captivating story of a young analyst starting off in a trading room. It explains the job of a financial analyst, its stakes, its environment, but also the pitfalls to avoid and the reflexes to adopt. It details step by step the analysis of three listed companies following the 12-step methodology of a financial analysis firm.

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June 2021 – IÉSEG pursues the development of its Lille campus in order to continue to improve the student experience

IÉSEG School of Management announces the development and improvement of its Lille campus, with the acquisition of a building that is located only a few meters from its existing campus at the heart of Lille’s Vauban neighborhood. Covering an area of nearly 12,000 m², it will complement IÉSEG’s current buildings and consolidate its historical roots in the Lille metropolis.

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May 2021 – CRÉENSO Prize: IÉSEG School of Management and Fondation Ceetrus pour l’Entrepreneur Social reveal the winners of the 10th edition

On May 12, 2021, the “Fondation Ceetrus”, animated and managed by Nhood France, and IÉSEG School of Management awarded four prizes for the CRÉENSO* national social entrepreneurship competition, which celebrates its 10th anniversary, during an online event. Bio Demain – a young North of France start-up, which launched a fair trade food brand to help farmers to switch to organic cultivation, won the 1st Prize.

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May 2021 – IÉSEG DATAVIZ CHALLENGE: IÉSEG School of Management and Cofidis announce the winners of the 1st edition

On May 6, 2021, Jean-Philippe AMMEUX, Dean of IÉSEG School of Management, and Nicolas WALLAERT, General Director of Cofidis France, announced the winners of the IÉSEG DATAVIZ CHALLENGE. This year, the data visualization contest challenged the students to come up with a solution for a real issue in the banking sector: how to deal with “the loan officer’s daily data”.

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April 2021 – RUBIKA and IÉSEG: an example of a successful collaboration between students from a video game school and a business school

The 5-year RUBIKA Video Game programme is aimed at students wishing to enter the industry. In the 4th year, students focus on the production and publication of a video game in teams. When the game is finished, it is put online on Steam, the video game distribution platform.

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April 2021 – Laure QUEDILLAC is appointed Director of Corporate Relations of IÉSEG

Laure QUEDILLAC has joined IÉSEG School of Management as Director of Corporate Relations. She has an in-depth knowledge of corporate relations management in the fields of training, professional integration and development at the Grandes Écoles.

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March 2021 – IÉSEG’s Incubator and EuraTechnologies strenthen their ties

EuraTechnologies and IÉSEG have just signed a partnership that strengthens the links between the two structures to reinforce entrepreneurial projects and knowledge sharing between their communities.

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March 2021 – IÉSEG Bachelor in International Business students set sights on UK (Sheffield) and Spain (Barcelona) as part of unique new European Business qualification

Giving students a global insight on how to do business is the aim of a unique new collaboration between IÉSEG, Sheffield Business School (UK) and IQS School of Management in Barcelona.

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February 2021 – IÉSEG organizes the 2021 edition of its Intercultural Engagement Week

IÉSEG School of Management is launching its first Data Visualization In order to build on and further enhance IÉSEG’s current actions promoting intercultural learning, working, teaching and research, the School will be holding the annual edition of its Intercultural Engagement Week from March 15 to 18 in an online format.

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February 2021 – IÉSEG launches a Data Visualization challenge for students in Europe in partnership with Cofidis

IÉSEG School of Management is launching its first Data Visualization challenge in partnership with the financial services company Cofidis. Open to all students enrolled in a European higher education institution, this ‘Dataviz’ challenge will allow participants to tackle a real challenge from the bank sector, with the theme “loan officers’ daily data”.

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January 2021 – Covid 19 and higher education: a European study analyzes how emergencies can accelerate the process of digital transformation

Change usually takes time, but during a crisis time is lacking and it becomes necessary to take action quickly. This was certainly the case during the first lockdown linked to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020: universities and other higher education institutions, for example, had to adopt quickly or reinforce distance-learning methods, which some indications suggest may be the beginning of a structural transformation of the higher education sector.

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January 2021 – IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business awarded the ‘Grade de Licence’

Following the French evaluation committee for management programs’* evaluation, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, has authorized the School to deliver the Grade de Licence for its Bachelor in International Business. In this way, the School is part of the first group of management and engineering schools in France to be able to deliver, starting in September 2021, a degree granting the Grade de Licence.

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January 2021 – Second Edition of the IÉSEG Teaching Excellence Awards

In order to highlight IÉSEG’s commitment to constantly improving pedagogy across all programs, and to acknowledge some of the outstanding contributions from our faculty, the School launched in 2019 the IÉSEG Teaching Excellence Awards, which are which are presented each year to professors at the School.

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December 2020 – IÉSEG and Loughborough University London launch MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation for 2021

IÉSEG School of Management and Loughborough University London are pleased to announce they are joining forces to launch a new double degree program that will welcome its first cohort of students in September 2021.

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December 2020 – Entrepreneurial teams: passion, not greed, breeds success

Based on an interview with Jonas Debrulle and Johan Maes of IÉSEG School of Management, Lille, on their paper, “New ventures: how team motivation affects financial outcomes” (The Journal of Business Strategy, 2020) co-written with Elliroma Gardiner (QUT & IÉSEG).

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November 2020 – Using technology to manage chronic illness: why patients’ attributional styles matter

Based on an interview with Azadeh Savoli and her article “Examining How Chronically Ill Patients’ Reactions to and Effective Use of Information Technology Can Influence How Well They Self-manage Their Illness,” co-authored by Henri Barki (HEC Montréal) and Guy Paré (HEC Montréal), published in MIS Quarterly, March 2020.

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November 2020 – Launch of the tenth edition of the Créenso Prize: discover the social enterprises that will be supported by IÉSEG students

Created in 2011 by IÉSEG and the Fondation Ceetrus pour l’Entrepreneur Social (formerly the Fondation IMMOCHAN), the Créenso Prize – a national competition for social entrepreneurship – will celebrate its 10-year anniversary next year.

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October 2020 – The Changing Context of Managing People: The New Generation Z in Asia – Dynamics, Differences, Digitalization

A new book, entitled The New Generation Z in Asia: Dynamics, Differences, Digitalization will be published on October 23 by Emerald Publishing. Co-edited by Professors Élodie Gentina (IÉSEG School of Management) and Emma Parry (Cranfield School of Management), it compares the Asiatic Generation Z (born between 1990-1995) in terms of country and culture specific drivers and characteristics based on interdisciplinary and international scientific research.

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October 2020 – 3 Steps for Developing Positive Leadership in Volatile Times

Interview with Johannes CLAEYS, Professor and Co-Director of the IÉSEG Executive MBA.

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October 2020 – Launch of a new Research center – iRisk

IÉSEG School of Management is pleased to announce the creation of a new Research Center dedicated to the topics of risk and uncertainty. The new Center, iRisk, brings together around 10 researchers from Lille and Paris sharing a common interest in decision-making under risk and uncertainty, and with an expertise in the fields of decision theory, behavioural and experimental economics, environmental economics, health economics, and finance.

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October 2020 – New faculty members join IÉSEG

IÉSEG is pleased to announce that it will welcome 19 new professors/postdoctoral researchers to its academic faculty in 2020/2021. 15 new experts in a wide range of management and business related fields are joining the School in September/October 2020 and four further faculty members are due to join in January 2021.

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September 2020 – A new partnership between IÉSEG and the French Institute for Audit and Internal Control (IFACI)

Recently, IÉSEG and IFACI have recently signed a partnership, which aims at stimulating exchange and bringing together students, professors/researchers and professionals from the fields of internal audit and control. IFACI is the umbrella organization of over 5,000 internal auditors, internal controllers and risk managers in France and is affiliated with the IIA (The Institute of Internal Auditors). It actively participates in the development of these professions and the dissemination of best practices.

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September 2020 – IÉSEG launches an online course (SPOC) to help students understand and prevent sexist and sexual violence

Starting mid-September, all first-year IÉSEG Grande Ecole, Bachelor in International Business, and International Business and Law double degree students will follow a new online course, designed by the School to help them to understand and prevent sexist and sexual violence.

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August 2020 – IÉSEG redesigns its Grande Ecole Program based on an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach to train tomorrow’s changemakers!

IÉSEG is pleased to announce the redesign of its Grande Ecole Program, starting at the beginning of this academic year (2020/2021). The new Grande Ecole Program uses an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach, combining knowledge, the acquisition of expertise and the development of behavioral and managerial skills to train responsible and innovative leaders of change.

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August 2020 – Academic nominations and reorganization at IÉSEG for the 2020/2021 year

In order to pursue its development, IÉSEG’s academic organization is evolving with the creation of a Program Management Division, attached to the School’s Academic Management. This new division will bring together all activities related to undergraduate/postgraduate programs and pedagogy.

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July 2020 – IÉSEG’s Grande École Master in Management Program obtains AMBA international accreditation

IÉSEG is pleased to announce that its Grande École Master in Management program has found the prestigious international accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA). AMBA uses rigorous evaluation criteria […]

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April 2020 – Designing HR practices that stimulate innovation

Based on an interview with Antonio Giangreco and on his article “Crowding-out or crowding-in? Direct voice, performance related pay, and organizational innovation in European firms” (Human Resource Management, 2020), co-written with Edoardo Della Torre (Università degli Studi di Bergamo) and Meysam Salimi (Università degli Studi di Brescia).

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April 2020 – Teaching & learning @IÉSEG : an extraordinary mobilization in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

Since the School’s premises closed to students because of the Covid-19 crisis, IÉSEG’s teaching and administrative teams have been mobilized to ensure the pedagogical continuity of the School’s 20 programs (undergraduate, postgraduate & executive education, etc.) and to accompany each student in the best way possible.

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April 2020 – 3 MSc Students from IÉSEG win the Deloitte 2020 Young Women Challenge

At the end of March, three MSc students from IÉSEG, Mejda AGREBI (MSc Business Analysis & Consulting), Nour JAIT (MSc International Business) and Sara FAYSSE (MSc International Business), took first place in the 2020 edition of the Deloitte Luxembourg Young Women Challenge.

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February 2020 – IÉSEG listed as one of 30 top schools in first-ever Positive Impact Rating (PIR) and is selected as a “PRME Champion”

A new student-based rating measuring the positive impact of business schools internationally, was launched during a session at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos (January 2020). The Positive Impact Rating (PIR) aims to look at how business schools contribute to solving societal challenges for example “by energizing the school and its culture, by educating responsible leaders, by providing relevant research results” etc.

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February 2020 – IÉSEG & Le Wagon join forces to launch MBA in Leadership and Coding

IÉSEG School of Management and Le Wagon, a leading international coding school, are joining forces to launch a unique full-time MBA program that will provide participants with a dual expertise in management/leadership and in coding/technical skills.

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January 2020 – IÉSEG launches new “MIB Tech” (International Business & Technology) program for students with a STEM background

IÉSEG School of Management is pleased to announce that it will launch a *postgraduate program in International Business and Technology (MIB Tech) in September 2020 on its Paris-La Défense campus. This program has been specifically designed for students with a STEM background (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medical Studies) who wish to strengthen their business and management skills, as well as to cultivate a better understanding of the corporate world.

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January 2020 – Why some lonesome teens find solace in Facebook — but perhaps shouldn’t

Based on an interview with Elodie Gentina and her article “Digital natives’ coping with loneliness: Facebook or face-to-face?” (Information & Management, 2018), co-written with Rui Chen.

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January 2020 – Caroline Roussel appointed as Vice Dean of IÉSEG

Caroline Roussel, Professor and Academic Dean, has been appointed Vice Dean of IÉSEG School of Management, as of January 1 2020.
This newly created position, in the framework of an evolution in internal governance, will be an added advantage for the realization of the School’s 2025 Vision: “In 2025, IÉSEG will be a unique international hub empowering changemakers for a better society.”.

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December 2019 – IÉSEG professor co-authors new book on business modelling and organizational design

Antonio Giangreco, Associate Dean for International Relations and Professor of Human Resources Management at IÉSEG, recently co-authored the book The Go-Kart Organization. A Guide to Superior Performance for Mid-Sized Companies Willing to Scale Up (FrancoAngeli Edizioni) with Gianni Camisa.

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November 2019 – IÉSEG’s 2019 Teaching Excellence Awards: Combining excellence in research with great student learning experiences

Rather than choosing between research and teaching, IÉSEG School of Management has adopted a balanced strategy between both. Thus, our professors produce top-level research, and deliver an outstanding learning experience to their students.

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November 2019 – IÉSEG’s AMBA accreditation renewed for the maximum length of 5 years

IÉSEG School of Management is pleased to announce that it has received the renewal of its AMBA (The Association of MBAs) accreditation for the maximum length of 5 years. The School thus holds the three main international accreditations (EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA), each for the maximum length of 5 years.

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October 2019 – Which Regional Conditions Help Incubators to Succeed in Supporting Start-ups?: Interview with Professor Tiago Ratinho

A group of researchers from the US, Canada and France (IÉSEG) have published a paper which looks at the impact of business incubation to new business ventures across different regional environments. The paper, “Organizational sponsorship and the economics of place: How regional urbanization and localization shape incubator outcomes” by Alejandro Amezcua (Syracuse University), Tiago Ratinho (IÉSEG School of Management), Larry Plummer (Western University), and Parvathi Jayamohan (Salem State University) was recently published (online) in the Journal of Business Venturing. This study makes use of the National Census of Business Incubators – a comprehensive database of the population of US based business incubators, their correspondent incubated companies, and a group of comparable non-incubated startups. We spoke to one of the co-authors, Professor Tiago Ratinho from IÉSEG about the findings of the research and the practical implications.

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October 2019 – Should companies have strategies for encouraging benevolence between staff?

Based on an interview with Guillaume Mercier, IÉSEG, about his paper* “Formal and Informal Benevolence in a Profit-Oriented Context” (Journal of Business Ethics, 2019), co-authored with Ghislain Deslandes.

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September 2019 – IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business obtains Ministry recognition (Visa, BAC + 3)

Following the French evaluation committee for management programs’ audit, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has recently granted the Visa to IÉSEG’s Bachelor in International Business, which means that the degree is recognized by the State. Created in September 2015, the Bachelor in International Business (BIB) is now certified (BAC + 3) for a period of 3 years.

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September 2019 – IÉSEG School of Management and Le Wagon sign a strategic partnership

The objective: to hone IÉSEG students’ tech skills. The two schools are also planning the launch of a joint executive education program.

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September 2019 – IÉSEG launches joint PhD program with top international research university, KU Leuven

IÉSEG School of Management is launching a joint PhD Program in Applied Economics (economics, management etc.) with the Faculty of Economics and Business at leading international research university KU Leuven (Belgium). Doctoral candidates in this new international program will carry out their research activities in both France and Belgium under the supervision of researchers from both IÉSEG and KU Leuven.

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May 2019 – How can consumers defend themselves against product placement?

Based on an interview with Tina Tessitore, IÉSEG School of Management, about her paper with co-author Maggie Geuens, Ghent University, “Arming consumers against product placement: A comparison of factual and evaluative educational interventions” (Journal of Business Research 95 (2019) 38–48).

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May 2019 – How to better promote women’s entrepreneurship

Based on an interview with Janice Byrne and on her article “Role Models and Women Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurial Superwoman Has Her Say*” (Journal of Small Business Management, 2018), co-written with Salma Fattoum and Maria Cristina Diaz Garcia.

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January 2019 – IÉSEG partners with LUISS Business School in Italy for the Family Business Management Executive Education program

IÉSEG is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Italian school LUISS Business School. The Executive program in Family Business Management, which will start in Italy in February.

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December 2018 – 3 key crowdfunding success factors

Based on an interview with Mikael Petitjean, IÉSEG, about his paper “What explains the success of reward-based crowdfunding campaigns as they unfold?” (Finance Research Letters 26, 2018, 9-14).

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December 2018 – What does ethics at work mean to employees? Launch of IBE survey report “Ethics at Work: 2018 survey of employees – France”

One in six employees in Europe (16%) say that they have felt some form of pressure to compromise their organizations ethical standards, according to a recent survey released by the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE). The number of employees experiencing this pressure has risen in all of the countries for which historical data is available.

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November 2018 – Collaboration: the key to customer satisfaction

Based on an interview with Bert Paesbrugghe and on his article “Aligning sales and operations management: an agenda for inquiry” (Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 2018), co-written with Deva Rangarajan, Arun Sharma and Robert Boute.

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November 2018 – How to “sell” CSR in large companies

Based on an interview with Frank de Bakker and on his paper “Pitching for Social Change: Toward a Relational Approach to Selling and Buying Social Issues” (Academy of Management Discoveries, 2018), co-written with Christopher Wickert (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

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September 2018 – IÉSEG School of Management Accounting Program Earns Endorsement by IMA (Institute of Management Accountants)

IÉSEG School of Management is pleased to announce that the school’s MSc in International Accounting, Audit and Control has earned endorsement by IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants), one of the largest and most respected associations focused exclusively on advancing the management accounting profession.

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September 2018 – Negotiation and mediation: IÉSEG uses innovative online simulator & serious game to develop key competencies

Negotiation, conflict management & mediation are key skills for managers and leaders of companies and organizations everywhere. Over the last three years, more than 300 students/participants from the School’s Grande Ecole Master’s in Management, International & Executive MBA programs have used an online mediation simulator to learn about and cultivate these key skills.

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July 2018 – Support for HR found to boost employee commitment and performance

Do HR practices improve employee wellbeing and employee performance? New research by Elise Marescaux shows that supervisor support can make or break the success of developmental HR practices. She finds a link between support of HR by supervisors and more committed, productive employees.

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June 2018 – IÉSEG School of Management gains EQUIS accreditation for 5 more years

IÉSEG School of Management in France is pleased to announce that it has obtained the EQUIS accreditation for another 5 years, confirming its place amongst the elite international business schools.
The School, which already holds the triple crown of international accreditations (EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA) is the first French institution with a 5-year Grande École program to be accredited EQUIS for the maximum period of 5 years.

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April 2018 – AACSB International Recognizes IÉSEG School of Management (France) for Innovation in Leadership Development

Today, AACSB International – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) has recognized IÉSEG School of Management among 30 global institutions who are defining what it means to lead in the face of uncertainty and cultivating that winning skillset in the next generation of business leaders.
The third annual Innovations That Inspire challenge recognizes institutions from around the world serving as champions of change in the business education landscape, with a specific focus on innovation in leadership development.

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March 2018 – IÉSEG launches Center of Excellence for Intercultural Engagement (ICIE) and aims to become an international reference in this domain

IÉSEG School of Management in France is pleased to announce the launch of its new Center of Excellence for Intercultural Engagement (ICIE), which focuses on intercultural dynamics in business and organizations and the development of intercultural competences. Bringing together academics from different disciplines (management, marketing, finance…) and administrative staff from across the School, the new Center will: develop leading research in these domains; work with companies; and reinforce the development of intercultural competences for all students and staff at the School.

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March 2018 – How national identity and country-of-origin influence consumer choice

Based on an interview with Katharina P. Zeugner-Roth on her paper “Disentangling country-of-origin effects: the interplay of product ethnicity, national identity, and consumer ethnocentrism,” coauthored with Peter M. Fischer (Marketing Letters, 2017).

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January 2018 – IÉSEG’s AACSB accreditation renewed for five more years

IÉSEG, which first gained in AACSB accreditation in 2013, is part of the elite group of international business schools (less than 1% in the world) that hold the “triple crown” of international accreditations (AMBA, AACSB, EQUIS).
The AACSB auditors were impressed by the School’s unique international character and its intercultural approach. They also noted its collective Vision process involving all stakeholders, the School’s new 2016-2021 strategic plan, its efforts to support innovative pedagogy, the engagement of different stakeholders, and the quality of research and programs.

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January 2018 – Antonio Giangreco appointed as Associate Dean for International Relations

IÉSEG is delighted to announce that Antonio Giangreco has been appointed as Associate Dean for International Relations as from 15 January 2018.
Formerly Director of Postgraduate Programs at IÉSEG, he takes over the responsibility for implementing the School’s international strategy and all related activities. These include: the development of cooperation and partnership agreements internationally; managing exchange students (incoming and outgoing) and the recruitment and welfare of all international students for all the School’s programs; and representing the School around the world.

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January 2018 – New study reveals pressure on middle managers can lead to unethical behavior & misleading data

Based on an interview with João Vieira da Cunha on his paper “Middle Managers and Corruptive Routine Translation: The Social Production of Deceptive Performance,” coauthored with Niki A. den Nieuwenboer, and Linda Klebe Treviño (Organization Science, October 2017).

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January 2018 – Who profits from productivity gains?

Based on an interview with Hervé Leleu and Jean-Philippe Boussemart about their article “Generation and distribution of the total factor productivity gains in US industries” by Boussemart, Leleu and Edward Mensah (Applied Economics¹, October 6, 2016).

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July 2017 – Avoiding the boomerang effect: Corporate social responsibility and brand building

Consumers increasingly expect that corporations be transparent about their social and environmental impact. How should a corporation establish a realistic CSR policy that will benefit its corporate brand, what are the steps, and how can they get their employees on board?

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June 2017 – Let’s make a deal: When employees demand special treatment

Employees increasingly seek to negotiate arrangements with their employers that take into account their individual needs — for more flexible work hours, a reduced workload, more pay, special training, and so on. In response, how can companies balance flexibility and fairness?

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May 2017 – Taking uncertainty into account to better fight climate change

Based on an interview with Loïc Berger on his paper* “Managing Catastrophic Climate Risks Under Model Uncertainty Aversion” coauthored with Johannes Emmerling and Massimo Tavoni (Management Science, 2017).

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March 2017 – How can retailers increase the adoption of in-store mobile payment?

Based on an interview with Gwarlann de Kerviler and Nathalie T.M. Demoulin and their article “Adoption of in-store mobile payment: Are perceived risk and convenience the only drivers?” co-authored with Pietro Zidda (Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2016).

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March 2017 – CSR communication: What is the impact for companies facing future allegations of social irresponsibility?

Based on an interview with Catherine Janssen on her paper* in Marketing Letters, “Playing with fire: aggravating and buffering effects of ex ante CSR communication campaigns for companies facing allegations of social irresponsibility” co-authored with Joëlle Vanhamme, (Edhec Business School), Valérie Swaen (IÉSEG & Louvain School of Management) and Guido Berens (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University).

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December 2016 – Research sheds new light on negotiation strategy and outcomes in dignity, face, and honor cultures

A new study carried out by researchers in France, the USA and China, looks at, and compares, negotiation strategies and outcomes in three different cultures/countries: honor (Qatar), face (China), and dignity (the USA). Published in the latest edition of the Journal of Organizational Behavior (November 2016), it sheds new light on how businesses can enhance value when negotiating with people from one of these three cultures.

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November 2016 – Slow speedy shoppers with bespoke flooring

New research by academics in France, Belgium and the Netherlands explores how retailers could have the power to modulate our walking speed in shops. It demonstrates, for example, that changing the distances between lines on the floor can tap into subconscious desires to reach the end of shopping aisles: the closer the end appears, the faster we walk towards the goal.

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September 2016 – IÉSEG has unveiled early in September its new strategic plan for “2016-2021”

Drawing on the results of a collective Vision process involving the whole IÉSEG community, the new plan aims to position IÉSEG among the best international business schools.

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August 2016 – IÉSEG gains AMBA accreditation and joins elite group of international business schools with the “triple crown”

By obtaining the Association of MBAs (AMBA) accreditation, IÉSEG School of Management in France today joins an elite group of international business schools (less than 1% in the world) that hold the “triple crown” of international accreditations (AMBA, AACSB, EQUIS).

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July 2016 – Employers prefer to promote men… but not always

New research shows that when women try to take a first step up the corporate ladder, they can have trouble pulling their feet up from “sticky floors”. Women job applicants are significantly less likely than men to be called in for an interview for jobs implying a promotion at the functional level (in terms of tasks of tasks and duties); however, women and men seem to be on equal footing when it comes to jobs offering an increase in authority (for example in terms of management/supervision responsibilities).

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April 2016 – IÉSEG School of Management pursues international development with the opening of a Latin America representation office in Colombia

On May 20, 2016 IÉSEG School of Management, a leading French Business School, will open an international office for Latin America in Bogota, Colombia. The new office will be inaugurated at a ceremony with: the Director of IÉSEG, Jean-Philippe Ammeux, the Associate Dean – International, Stephen Murdoch, and representatives of the French Embassy, the Chamber of Commerce – France Colombia, Business France, and local and international companies.

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February 2016 – IÉSEG launches its first MOOC: a ‘gamified’ online course to master the fundamentals of infrastructure finance

IÉSEG School of Management in France is launching in April its first MOOC (massive open online course) in collaboration with UNOW, a French start-up specializing in MOOCS. The online course which focuses on the topic of Infrastructure finance is taught entirely in English and is based on “gamification” (the use of game elements and design to stimulate learning).

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November 2015 – Entrepreneurship program seeks to provide inspiration for women who have experienced violence

IÉSEG School of Management in France, in partnership with the organisation Led by Her (which is based in Paris) and ESCP Europe business school, is currently working with a group of 25 women in France who have experienced violence and/or difficult personal circumstances, assisting them to build a new future through a customized entrepreneurship program.

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June 2015 – IÉSEG School of Management earns EQUIS accreditation for 3 more years

Awarded by the Management Development Network, EFMD, EQUIS (the EFMD Quality Improvement System) is the leading international system of quality assessment, improvement, and accreditation of higher education institutions in management and business administration

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May 2015 – IÉSEG School of Management welcomed into CFA Institute University Recognition Program

The School’s MSc in Finance program has been acknowledged as incorporating at least 70 percent of the CFA Program ‘Candidate Body of Knowledge’ (CBOK) and placing emphasis on the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice within the program. This MSc program positions students well to obtain the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation, which has become the most respected and recognized investment credential in the world.

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February 2015 – IÉSEG School of Management launches MSc inBig Data Analytics for Business

From September 2015, IÉSEG School of Management in France will offer a new MSc in Big Data Analytics for Business. The one-year program taught in English is one of three new MSc programs that IÉSEG is launching for the next academic year.

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January 2015 – IÉSEG School of Management launches 3 new MSc Programs for 2015‐2016

IÉSEG School of Management in France will open from September 2015 three new MSc programs in “Big Data Analytics for Business, “Banking and Capital Markets” and “Negotiation for Organizations”. The new one‐year programs, all taught in English, will further develop IÉSEG’s existing range of international MSc programs which focus on areas such as international business, fashion management, digital marketing, business analysis & consulting, accounting & audit control, and finance.

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