We aim to actively support the diverse IÉSEG community and create an environment where all feel included, supported and valued.

The diversity, equality, and inclusion policy of IÉSEG is structured around three key objectives: 
> Promoting social, cultural and gender diversity, and ensuring access to the same rights and opportunities. This means, for example, making studies at IÉSEG more accessible to all motivated candidates, whatever their background or personal situation, according to the principle of equal opportunities. This also involves developing practices that reinforce professional equality between women and men.
> Fighting against all forms of violence, harassment and discrimination. This includes in particular the fight against sexist and sexual violence, LGBTphobia, or racist comments and behaviors. 
>Creating working and learning conditions that contribute to the well-being and sense of belonging of each person to the IÉSEG community. This involves, for example, strengthening the integration of our international students and colleagues, or taking into account situations of disability, neurodiversity, and health to promote the inclusion of all IÉSEG members.

Key initiatives

Gender Equality Plan

IÉSEG has implemented a 2022-2027 action plan to progress in further improving the work-life balance, reducing gender gaps in recruitment and career progression, aiming towards a gender balance in leadership positions, integrating the gender component in teaching and research, and preventing sexual and gender-based violence. 

Download the plan 2022-2027

Partnerships for social inclusion

IÉSEG formed partnerships with different NGOs working on social inclusion:Article 1, Les Cordées de la Réussite, ARELI and Télémaque.  These initiatives aim to increase access to IÉSEG for high school students coming from disadvantaged areas and backgrounds. Article 1 also proposes mentoring programs for IÉSEG students who come from more disadvantaged backgrounds, by assigning a corporate mentor to guide them through their years in a management school. The IÉSEG foundation also supports initiatives on social inclusion.

Creation of a harassment and violence unit and policy

In 2020, IÉSEG launched an innovative and ambitious policy in terms of preventing gender-based and sexual violence, harassment and discrimination on its campuses. Two prevention officers were appointed, six officers in the support unit were also selected, an online training on ‘prevention of sexist and sexual violence’ was made mandatory for all first-year students, and a new disciplinary procedure was put in place. 

Charter of L’Autre Cercle

In May 2024, IÉSEG signed the Charter of L’Autre Cercle, aimed at promoting the inclusion of LGBT+ people in the fields of education and work. The school has thus committed to implementing an action plan for its students and staff to foster a learning and working environment that is inclusive, supportive, and respectful of everyone. 

Read the article on the signing of the Charter.

Discrimination prevention guide for admission jurys

Provided to all juries for the entrance exams (concours), this guide aims to ensure a rigorous and fair candidate evaluation process, guaranteeing transparency and non-discrimination at every stage. It includes guidelines on avoiding the 26 discrimination criteria, with examples of inappropriate questions, highlighted before and during interviews.

Download the flyer


Wellbeing initiative

Every year, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, IÉSEG organizes awareness-raising stands on its two campuses. The School provides students with various resources to help them manage stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues that may arise during their studies.

Understanding Neurodiversity training module

Since 2023, the three-hour training provides staff with an initial overview of the neurodiversity topic: definition, prevalence, characteristics, consequences for the people concerned, legal recognition framework, support, etc. Since its launch, the module has already trained around one hundred people and more than one hundred others have registered for upcoming sessions.

Key objectives

  • By 2023, we will establish a Diversity and Inclusion Champions network ambassadors.
  • By 2024, IÉSEG will create a well-being hub.
  • By 2026, 100% of our staff and faculty will have received a diversity and inclusion training.

IÉSEG Sustainability Team

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