IÉSEG aims to be a proactive member in the community and be a catalyst in the development of a responsible and sustainable economic and social environment.
Our School is convinced that active engagement and strong collaboration are the best ways to address the social and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow. IÉSEG is thus committed to several initiatives and partnerships at a local, regional, and international level.
Our stakeholders
Centers of Excellence
ICIE addresses topics related to diversity.
Every year, ICIE organizes an event bringing together practitioners and researchers to discuss different diversity topics. These range from events relating to intercultural engagement in teaching and learning to the challenges of intercultural engagement in the corporate world and more globally intercultural engagement in a VUCA world.
ICOR groups about 30 researchers from different management disciplines working on sustainability, CSR, ethics issues.
Every year, ICOR organizes the ICOR Award for the best student master thesis in CSR, Sustainability, or Ethics. The winners receive a 2000 euros award for which they keep 1000 and donate the other 1000 to an association of their choice. In 2022, the winner was Julia Guillemot for her thesis: “The integration of ethical concerns in the development and deployment of artificially intelligent systems within technological companies”.
Research Centers
IFlame focuses on family, Labor, and Migration Economics.
IFlame was launched in 2021 to promote research activities at the frontier of this cross-disciplinary field in Economics, which studies the microeconomic determinants of individual labor supply and family outcomes.
IRisk addresses topics on risk and uncertainty with a strong focus on climate risk.
The research developed at iRisk goes from theoretical contributions on risk and ambiguity to applications discussing concrete issues, with the objective to better understand and improve decisions about environmental, health, wealth, and other risks.
Discover our Centers of Excellence and Research
Our partnerships
IÉSEG Students Associations
Students promote sustainability within the School by organizing a CSR day, conferences, an awareness week, eco challenges, a wardrobe sale, clean walks, and by providing tips and advice on sustainable living.
They have also launched a vegetable garden on campus.
BDH (Bureau de l’Humanitaire)
Students are offered the opportunity to carry-out local missions in order to support vulnerable communities and create awareness on social issues. Initiatives include Paralympic games, support to the homeless, fund-raising such as Bingo Solidaire, IÉSEG Téléthon event, matchmaker between students and external associations, blind dinner to create awareness on disability, among others.
This association aims to raise awareness of LGBTIQ+ topics as well as fight against discriminations and promote a safer campus for everyone.
They organize events such as afterworks or conferences with companies, such as EY on how to foster LBGTIQ+ inclusion in the workplace.
IÉSEG Conseil
Since 2019, a CSR division was created within the Junior Enterprise of IÉSEG. Members reduced plastic waste and printing consumption and are increasingly putting their engagement at the core of their operations. They are now advising companies on sustainability and organize workshops on sustainability-related themes.
Discover all our Students Associations
Zoom on: Responsible Leaders Program
What is the Responsible Leaders Program
About 40 students under the management of the sustainability team are working on the program every year. Their goal is to promote volunteer commitment of students to set up the School’s CSR projects and also create new projects. The website iesegcares.fr and the Sustainability Certificate were launched during the lockdown already thanks to them.
IÉSEG Alumni Club
IÉSEG FOR CHANGE is the sustainability-focused alumni club at IÉSEG. This club, led by 25 active members, aims to mobilize the strengths of IÉSEG alumni to meet key environmental and social challenges, and to support IÉSEG students and alumni in becoming changemakers for the socio-economic transition.
For instance, IÉSEG for Change co-organized the 1st edition of the “Ambitions Transitions” forum in 2022, alongside 9 other alumni clubs. This event was hosted by the Paris Climate Academy and aimed at connecting job-seekers looking for a job with purpose, with employers engaged for sustainability.
IÉSEG Lead.her is a club that aims to move towards a liberated professional world, where each person can develop personally by freeing themselves from the notion of gender, while creating a network of solidarity and commitment. The club is oriented around several actions, including organizing conferences on diversity in business and on inspiring women in the professional world, as well as setting up workshops on self-confidence, audacity, advice to undertake or launch a new project…
Events organized include a “Roundtable on female entrepreneurship”, “Métro, boulot, dodo. Comment s’en sortir ? Changer de vie pour s’épanouir”, and “Inventing your profession: the example of specialized Youtubers”.
Discover more about IÉSEG Network
Global partnerships
Since 2008, IÉSEG is a signatory of the UN Global Compact, a voluntary initiative to implement sustainability principles and the Sustainable Development Goals within organizations.
The Principles for Responsible Management Education is a United Nations-supported initiative. Signatory since 2008, IÉSEG is also a PRME Champion and is part of the France-Benelux Chapter. Every two years, business schools publish a Sustainability Report – the PRME report.
IÉSEG formed a partnership with the Global Reporting Initiative, provider of the most widely used standards for sustainability reporting, to integrate the GRI professional certification program into the MSc in Management for Sustainability.
The Network for Business Sustainability (NBS) advances on providing business practices on climate change, circular economy, sustainable finance, sustainable innovation, social justice and sustainable business education.
National Partnerships
The Conférence des Grandes Écoles aims to encourage collaboration between higher education schools, for instance through committees on diversity as well as on sustainable development and social responsibility. As a member of the CGE, IÉSEG organized the 2022’s R2D2 conference wich was intended for sustainability referents in higher education institutions.
IÉSEG is part of the Fédération des établissements d’enseignement supérieur d’intérêt collectif (FESIC).
Campus Responsables is a francophone network of higher education institutions committed to sustainable development. IÉSEG participates to the Trophées des Campus Responsables, and earned the award ‘Quality of life, accessibility and diversity’.
IÉSEG formed a partnership with B Lab France and B Academy. B Academy is a community of professors and companies committed to sustainable transformation.
In 2021, the School formed a partnership with Article 1, with the purpose of helping youth from disadvantaged backgrounds in their professional path.
IÉSEG is a leader in the Cordées de la Réussite. With this program, students at IÉSEG can become tutors of pupils from our partners. In 2023, the School will grant them preparation for ACCESS exam.
Aréli aims to ensure the educational and professional success of young people from low-income backgrounds.
In 2024, IÉSEG became a sponsor of Télémaque and thus participated in the Association’s action, which supports young people from 5th to Terminale through double mentoring in the following 4 areas: socio-cultural openness, discovery of the professional world, self-confidence and the fight against self-censorship, and finally academic performance and success.
Local Partnerships
LiveTree is a program developed by the Université Catholique de Lille that blends research and pedagogical innovation in the aim to limit the university’s carbon footprint as well as to explore collaboratively the challenges of the ecological and social transition.
The Curious Lab was created by the Yveline and Hauts-de-Seine regions to encourage territorial innovation throught the contribution of future workers and future generations, especially students.